What are you canning now?

Ended up with 4 qts and 4 pts of the tomato soup for this last batch. 12 qts and 6 pts of that soup altogether....easy to do, looks pretty in the jar and tastes incredible! The soup is in the jars in front, some salsa in the back.

I'm pretty pleased with how that turned out and with all the tomatoes canned this season. Dontcha just love the sound of those lids popping down?

I need to straighten all my canned goods, organize my shelves and make room for the chicken to be canned later. I still need to take last year's chicken...still have half doz. jars or so...and use the chicken in pot pie mix and can that up as well. That will be the last of the chicken that was canned with the bone in. This fall's chicken will all be deboned and broth and fat preserved separately. Trying to can more efficiently and with less waste.

Done with corn this year, so that's a load off. 8 qts of peaches in the freezer this year...decided not to can those. Some pts of green beans...hope to see more beans as fall rolls in.
Past three days have finished 29 quarts of soup starter, 6 quarts of spicy tomato juice and 20 quarts of pickled okra. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] and a jar of chili vinegar sauce . The okra will settle back down in the jars in a few days. I like to trim off the bottom stub so we can eat the whole thing. The Jonathan apple tree produced its first crop....30 apples. Nice and tasty from a dwarf 2 year old tree! I still need to put up more tomato juice, some chili sauce and more soup starter. We will have a bumper crop of Gala apples in a few weeks. So lots of applesauce to make.
Would you mind sharing your pickled okra recipe please?
Things canned thus far....will be adding about 40 more jars to this before the entire season is over. Will be canning chicken in the fall and if we get any apples I'll do some of them. Might also can up some pumpkin for pie.

Tomato crop is total crap this year.

Did clean up at the fair with ribbons in pickles, relish, cherries, applesauce, and peppers though.

Almost time to start this year's apple sauce and butters.

Did 6 qts of bacon boston baked beans today.

I love my all american pressure canner for anyone looking to buy a pressure canner. No rings to rot.
ooo the Boston baked beans sound great!! Would you mind sharing your recipe?? I'm looking for new things this year to do
Past three days have finished 29 quarts of soup starter, 6 quarts of spicy tomato juice and 20 quarts of pickled okra. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] and a jar of chili vinegar sauce . The okra will settle back down in the jars in a few days. I like to trim off the bottom stub so we can eat the whole thing. The Jonathan apple tree produced its first crop....30 apples. Nice and tasty from a dwarf 2 year old tree! I still need to put up more tomato juice, some chili sauce and more soup starter. We will have a bumper crop of Gala apples in a few weeks. So lots of applesauce to make.
Would you mind sharing your pickled okra recipe please?
Pickled Okra In sterilized pint jars: 1 tsp dill seed 1 red chili pepper 1Tbs chopped onion 1 clove garlic sliced About 16 trimmed okra pods (packed tightly) may take a few more based on size. I like 3 inch best. I put butt end in first and then fill with tip end first layer. I trim the stem end off so we can eat the whole okra. In a sauce pan bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes...bring back to a boil: 1 quart apple cider vinegar 1 cup water 1/2 c canning salt (no iodine) [It will take between 3/4 cup 1c brine for each pint jar] Pour brine while hot over okra and seal jar with hot lid and rim. Turn jar upside down for five minutes. You can waterbath for five minutes, but the okra looses crispness.
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Today I am working on tomato sauce, approximately 45 quarts. So far this summer I have put up;

37 qts tomatoe sauce, plum tomatoes
14 8oz peach jam
8 8oz pepper jelly
28 8oz pear jelly
14 8oz strawberry jam
16 8 oz blueberry jam
15 8oz mixed berry jam
40 pts jersey sweet corn
12 8oz cantaloupe jelly
35 qts chicken broth
23 qts corn broth
16 qts vegetable broth
10 4oz strawberry chocolate preserves
Mesh bag from cider press . FYI do not machine wash these as they unravel . Hand wash only .
Juice strained paste left .
Paste in half pints .
Quarts of juice on bottom processing . Half pints on top preheating . Saving time . So these are guy methods to save time and no
boiling down juice for paste . The juice is lighter in color but I like it that way . I always drank the clear juice from the sliced tomatoes as a kid . I do as much on turkey burner outside as possible . Heats faster plus keeps the heat outside . To process into juice I ran tomatoes through the blender at room temp . Then cooked it and ran it through the Foley food mill to remove seeds and any peel that did not blend . Since I started after supper last night I let it cool overnight . So it was not hot when I strained the paste out . I have 2 water bath canners . I had enough juice to almost fill one . I put the one with water on the stove to heat and the juice in the other one outside to heat . Once juiced boiled I filled jars and the switched pots so I could process outside .
Made 23 pints of chili sauce and 6 more quarts of spicy tomato juice yesterday.
Today processed apples into 19 pints of applesauce.
Peach juice is dripping thru a cotton bag for peach jelly. This will be the last year for this particular tree. I'm going to cut it down. I'm thinking the graft never took on this peach tree I ordered several years ago. The peaches taste great but have been super small, are not freestone and not easy to peel. Too much work for a small return. The harvest was two gallons of golf ball sized peaches this year. So, I simply bleach them, clean up the fruit and boil them, mash them and strain the juice to can. Then I make jelly or jam adding peaches from another tree.
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