What are you canning now?

Found pineapple at Safeway for $1.99 today each!! Will can 1-2 pints to have on hand for pizzas over the winter.

I made split pea soup today and plan to make chili tomorrow. I'll probably can 1 quart of each to have on hand for "fast food". Love having a pressure canner!
Alright, got a question for all the experts out there.
I will soon (well, sometime after the first frost) have an abundance of persimmons. I love them, the kids love them. However, all we EVER do is just eat them. We stand around and pick them and eat what we want. I would LOVE to do something more with them.....perhaps a "butter" type thing or even in cakes and quick breads, whatever, I just can't seem to figure out how to separate the pulp from the seed. I tried once and all I ended up with was badly messed up hands and tired arms and a big mess to get rid of. Perhaps cooking for awhile first would help?
hmmmm... given the texture of most ripe persimmons... you could do a jelly, jam, or a "butter" I would think.

I love the "Fuyu" persimmons they are not like the nomal persimmons. They stay pretty hard, and you can eat the skins. I would love to have a Fuyu persimmon tree. My grandparents had one in CA.
That was what I thought too. However, when I put them in a collander and tried to separate it out it wouldn't go through the holes.....it seemed too thick or something. They were, of course, very mushy and easy to squish. Maybe it was just me???
You could try putting it in a blender to get it to the point of a liquid. I use my Vitamix to do apples for apple butter. I make a thick slush, add some sugar and spices and let it cook in the crockpot for a few hours to reduce it.

Only thing is you have to be ready to can such things as soon as they are at the perfect point of "doneness". If they cook too long or not long enough, they don't can well.

It is like a science experiment each time I can things!!
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We rototilled part of our garden yesterday too. We left some cabbage leaves and some broccoli leaves for the chickens and the rabbits. We also left the row of kale for the chickens, we planted it late in the season, they really like it. They have a whole new playground with all the freshly tilled soil! Chicken heaven!
Finished up some unsweetened applesauce today for the babies. My canning room makes me smile!
Now I have to remember that it really is to eat, not just to save.
I want to know also. Our persimmon trees are loaded this year. I have never done any of them and would love to this year. Maybe we need to start a separate thread asking for help?

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