What are you canning now?

So excited! We were informed this morning that our shop's Lavender Jelly has made the 2011 Gift Guide at GirlieGirlArmy.com! Love being noticed!!!

Well, I have a feeling I know what its going to be... but we really need the traffic with my business being about the only thing keeping us going. Unpaid for advertising is how I see it.
as hard as things are stay true try not to over sell yourself.........when you watch an add on the tv it's BS BS BS BS BS then they get to the point.
you have good things to sell - let them sell and sell themselves, sell your goods not you!!


Well the good news is they chose us as a fav, we never had contact with them otherwise. We're really trying to get this shop going locally though! I want to open my doors to our neighbors, especially since I want them to meet & get to know the farms we use. I think the only advertising we've paid for is on BYC, and that's because we love you guys

At this point though, we've pretty much sold down for the year :p

I did keep a few jars for ourselves and gifts of course.
I have awesome people to lavish with gifts. Which reminds me...

I've gotten asked for so many of those vanilla extracts for Christmas, I was wondering if anyone else had any extract recipes? Or recipes for rubs or sauces they wanted to share? The guys in my family aren't bakers and I was hoping to put something together for them, like steak rubs, or hot sauces???

Any ideas?
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vfem http://www.food.com/recipe/jack-daniels-hot-mustard-for-canning-205688

is a link to a mustard I have made for the guys in my family for holidays

ETA: From the reviews, some people say they use clear jel instead of the flour, which I know is a no-no in canning, but I stuck to this recipe and it has held up for well over 6 months when I made my last batch. That reminds me, I need to get a batch done soon for this Christmas!
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Well I do a spicy mustard, and sadly, the people who love it the most are some of the women in my family! Gee, us girls have such GREAT taste huh? lol

But grilling is huge with my dad and my husband's best friend. I've never made those herb meat rubs before that I see, but I have so many dried herbs from my garden and spices I buy I'm sure I have everything I need already. Oh, or maybe a BBQ sauce? I'm sure I could make one to can with some of the canned tomatoes I already have?

Every year, I can never come up with ANYTHING for the guys! I'm not going to buy ties or socks anymore... I don't think they enjoy that. And I sure won't be buying the video games they all seem to prefer!
That's all hubby asked for, and it ain't happening!
I have a recipe at home for barbeque sauce but I've never canned it. I will have to look at the ingredients again to see if it can be done. Don't tell my DH I'm passing it along. He claims it as his "secret recipe"
It was printed in a magazine we got about 10 years ago that we had never subscribed to. Its actually a side note to the rib recipe

I remeber it has a little OJ, ketchup, tomato paste, ceyenne pepper, onion, liquid smoke..... Ican't remember it all right now. I'll get it out tonight and see what you think.
Awesome! I'll see what I can find in my ball canning book....

Yeah, I see 'secret' recipes all the time these days from people... then I find copies of them online and in magazines! hahahaha
Okay. DH is out for a bit so I broke into the recipe box

This makes one pint. I usually double it when we cook ribs.

6 oz ketchup
2 oz chili sauce
1 Tb Worcestershire sauce
2 Tb orange juice
1 Tb liquid smoke (this is essential)
3 Tb molassas
1 Tb chili powder
half a diced small onion

This is how we make it but the recipe goes on to say you can further season with a pinch of allspice, a pinch of dried crushed chilies and a teaspoon of pepper.

I know this is a great recipe and I had never thought of canning it. What do you think?

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