What are you canning now?

My husband helped me prep our pears this morning. This is the first year we've gotten more than a few pears off the trees we planted several years so. So we picked all the pears from our trees. It was AMAZING how much easier it was to have someone helping.

So I've got two pots of peelings boiling - and I'll make jelly from that. Then I've got another pot of the cores boiling - plan to strain that and make pear butter from the pulp.

Then I've got two pots of cut-up pears. I'm going to can a few for use in salads, I'll make pear preserves from some, and I'll make pie filling from some. My pear tarts always sell well at our church's fall festival each year.

And the parts that weren't suitable for any of those uses went to the chickens who loved the special treat. I feel so good that we used every single part of every single pear. And the house smells wonderful with all those pear parts cooking on the stove!

Next project - apples from our apple trees!
Question about the pears. I've picked and done it from my neighbors pears for years. After we pick, it takes some time for the pears to ripen, they just don't ripen on the tree. I was wondering if it was because of the type of pear they have or what? Do you have to let yours sit for awhile to ripen or do you peel and can them right away?
We made 13 quarts of apple pie filling today. Had 14 but one jar split to heck. Oh well we are still set for the year. :)
Did 10 pints of green beans yesterday. Prefer to put them up in pints as I feel I can better control waste. Sometimes it's only my husband and I for dinner - sometimes a kid [actually, adults] or two - sometimes all the kids and friends. With pints I can better control and gauge consumption with a minimum of waste.

Now I'm looking at ton's of crookneck squash and, frankly, I'm squashed-out. Have been doing a little reading and see that pickled squash relish is very similar to the pickle relish made with cukes. Think I'm going to try some of it as we love pickle relish and my cukes got hit by cucumber beetles and are already done.

Wish me luck!
Question about the pears. I've picked and done it from my neighbors pears for years. After we pick, it takes some time for the pears to ripen, they just don't ripen on the tree. I was wondering if it was because of the type of pear they have or what? Do you have to let yours sit for awhile to ripen or do you peel and can them right away?
I was reading about that the other day ..In fact it is best to pick the pears when they are green. You then ripen them off in the typical bag with an apple or banana to get the perfect ripeness.

The reason you do this is because if left to ripen on the tree they will ripen from the inside out turning mealy and mushy with a rotten middle. But if you do it in a bag it ripens from the outside in and you get the perfect pear.

Who knew. Here's the link thats VERY informative.

I have AN ABUNDANCE Of apples (and can get more FREE if I want them)

besides the basics;

cinnamon apple slices/rings
apple pie filling
apple butter

what can I do w/them??? help!?!?!?!?

Hey everyone, I just picked a 5 gallon bucket full of Jalapeno's , I want to can them while they are fresh, sliced like ya buy em in the store seeds in all? is it possible to do that? I would imagine in a pressure caner, but I can not find a recipe except for pickled Jalapenos and I don';t want pickled......... please someone can ya post some directions to do this one....
also would appreciate a recipe for Sweet purple and white peppers, I also got another 5 gallons of those today....arggggg peppers coming outa my ears here.........

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