What are you canning now?

i have been doing a lot of canning lately...
yesterday, I got 2 more cases of tomatoes
another of peaches
and an appricot...is gonna be a busy day...

I just want to share...how i have been putting on my canning lids...

ok...I know the rule...softened in hot/boiled water...

but I saw someone do this on utube...so thought I would give it a try...and so far only one
fail...but that was because of not enough head space...

wash jars rims as normal...
then...dip your finger in warm water...and go around the rim...and then place your lid on...
which also allows you to individually check the rims for cracks..

for me...just is easier...and if it works why not...
maybe you can teach an old dog a new trick...
The salsa sounds great! Although I'm not brave enough to put that much jalapenos. I am going to try the Mrs. Wages though and doctor it up. I have put up 60 pints of pickled beets, dill pickles, and bread n' butter pickles in the last 2 days. I am beat and I have eaten enough beets to last a life time....
It was great canning with my 84 year old mom... :)
i have been doing a lot of canning lately...
yesterday, I got 2 more cases of tomatoes
another of peaches
and an appricot...is gonna be a busy day...

I just want to share...how i have been putting on my canning lids...

ok...I know the rule...softened in hot/boiled water...

but I saw someone do this on utube...so thought I would give it a try...and so far only one
fail...but that was because of not enough head space...

wash jars rims as normal...
then...dip your finger in warm water...and go around the rim...and then place your lid on...
which also allows you to individually check the rims for cracks..

for me...just is easier...and if it works why not...
maybe you can teach an old dog a new trick...
Because wiping the rim with your finger is not very sanitary. I know that it doesn't really touch your food, but by not warming up the lids, you are also not killing any of the germs on the middle of the lid. IMO, warming the lids up is a small/easy task that greatly increases the sanitaryness (not sure if that's a word)
We canned pasta sauce, salsa, and green beans. Will be doing apple pie filling tomorrow and probably more pasta sauce.
well today I did 4 quarts mustard pickles 8 1/2 pints salsa with mrs wages and 11 quarts of tomatoes today. The worst is the mustard pickles trying not to burn the liquid although everything went right. Salsa was amazing. Tomatoes are always good having some for supper.
Making apple juice tomorrow.

Has anyone ever canned Chinese red noodle beans before? We grew them as an experiment this year and have so many we can't eat them all fresh. We'd like to can them but I'm not sure whether I should do them like green beans or what. Any ideas?
I am never using liquid pectin again!

Every single time I do my jelly NEVER sets ..I use a box of dry and boom it's setting befor it hits the jar.

Go figure.

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