What are you canning now?

MossyoakLane, thanks so much for the link.

I agree with your reducing the peppers. It does look like a whole cup of hot peppers would be too much. I'll give this recipe a try, and let you know how it comes out.
I've been freezing fruit too. I put a gallon of plum pulp, some blackberries and rhubarb in the freezer for canning later. When my plums were ripe, it was 106 out, so I was not in the mood to can.

I got all of this, just yesterday. I'll be picking blackberries every 3 days for the rest of the summer. Haven't even used up last years blackberries.

Picked strawberries and made jam with my grandmother yesterday. She's 85 and can't work in the garden anymore. Most of my love for gardening and canning comes from being around her and my grandfather while growing up. She can still hull berries like a champ, though. I dragged the berries and all the jars and canning stuff to her place and we did it there.

You're very lucky to have your grandmother.
Congrats to both of you.
I've been freezing fruit too. I put a gallon of plum pulp, some blackberries and rhubarb in the freezer for canning later. When my plums were ripe, it was 106 out, so I was not in the mood to can.

I got all of this, just yesterday. I'll be picking blackberries every 3 days for the rest of the summer. Haven't even used up last years blackberries.

This wet weather is doing a job on my plants. Two rhubarb have died, I replanted the gooseberries and put in two new ones. I also need to replant a Currant bush. Lost some raspberry plants too.
My yellow "Anne" raspberry was doing good but it looks like died. Some other the others looked really good too but some have died. I don't know what could have done them in.

I redug the holes for the gooseberry plants and mixed up some topsoil, peat moss and some miracle grow garden soil. Planted them on hills this time hoping that will help. The soil is clay and that may have been the problem.

I hurried to pick currants and gooseberries yesterday and have to prepare them for freezing. My hands have thorns in them and hurt. Too small to get out just yet. I may soak them in some warm water and peroxide.

I would have like to get more gooseberries but I don't think I'll get the chance to drive out there before they're gone.

I picked some black and pink currants. I've been told the pink are no different than the red. I don't know about the black.

I'm working now so it's hard to get the time to do all I have to do. I'm very tired.
I did not plant a garden this year. Instead I am taking advantage of a local farm stand. I ordered a bushel of green beans for tomorrow. I usually freeze them but since I now have a pressure canner I plan on canning these.
I am wondering if anyone might have an interesting raspberry recipie or something to do with rasberrys...
I crazily got 120 pounds of rasberrys..for what I concider very cheep...
so far
jam choco raspberry jam..juicing some..puree syrup..
but any ideas would be greatly appreciated...
Peach melba (peaches and raspberries), raspberry jam, Triple berry jam (raspberry, blackberry, strawberry), raspberry sauce (for pancakes, ice cream or cheesecake), raspberry vinegar, raspberry curd, raspberry blueberry jam, raspberry liqueur, raspberry hot fudge sauce.

I have made the first 4, the others come from my canning books. If they are not washed, they freeze really well too.
those are some very good suggestions...I don't have and other fruits to mix right now...but am gonna try your other suggestions.. chook .never had raspberry curd but sure sounds good...and raspberry fudge oh my cant go wrong. with that...and I hadn't thought with vinager..that's a good one...thease came frozen...I put all I could in the freezer but still have toooonnns to work through...they are getting in more next week am thinking of trying to make raspberry wine...but am not experienced and my first go at wine making was a bust...but the canner is not gonna be put back 4 a while...

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