What are you canning now?

I remove mine. Depending on where you are storing your canned goods, the metal on metal can encourage corrosion. If I move them or make gifts out of them, I'll put the band back on for transport to ensure that they don't get bumped and break the seal.

I am fairly new to canning  ...... do you all remove the bands from the jars after processing?  Just wondering if there is a reason why some folks remove the bands and some do not when storing their jars after processing.
I am fairly new to canning ...... do you all remove the bands from the jars after processing? Just wondering if there is a reason why some folks remove the bands and some do not when storing their jars after processing.

I started removing them since they get rusty underneath. Too I take a paper towel and after removing the jars from the pot, use the paper towel to "dry" or wick the water off the lid. Then after everything had "clicked" and sealed I let them cool a bit and remove the rings.

Once I open the jar I replace the ring to hold the lid on.

I was told to remove the lid by my SIL's mother and read to do it too. Also to put them on a cookie sheet in the oven to dry them quickly.

Of course I'm open to suggestions so I can avoid loss of rings to rust.
How do you dry your herbs?

I understand the freezer part ours is full. I don't know how we got along without it.  I have to make more jam to make room for meat.  I'm reluctant to buy raspberries for jam because I've got other fruit in the freezer.

I am considering some pesto though.  I try to figure how many times in the year we will eat it and just make enough for that.

If my tomatoes were put in earlier I'd do sauce. We eat a lot of that.  

I just clip them, rinse and dry with a towel. Then put them in lunch size brown paper bags up in a cabinet and shake every couple days until they crumble. I roll the dried leaves between my hands then I put them in old 18 ounce peanutbutter jars that I have cleaned. Between the boys and ny Hubby we go through alot of peanutbutter and jelly. This year I am just cutting the leaves off the basil and oregano, seeif that makes crunching them easier.
Hi everyone ....... I have lots of pickling cucumbers in the garden. I have already canned bread & butter pickles, dill pickles, hot dill pickles and garlic dill pickles. I want to can Sweet Pickles ... but the only recipe I have is a 9 day process. Is this common for sweet pickles?
I just clip them, rinse and dry with a towel. Then put them in lunch size brown paper bags up in a cabinet and shake every couple days until they crumble. I roll the dried leaves between my hands then I put them in old 18 ounce peanutbutter jars that I have cleaned. Between the boys and ny Hubby we go through alot of peanutbutter and jelly. This year I am just cutting the leaves off the basil and oregano, seeif that makes crunching them easier.

Thanks for describing how you do that. I have quite a few herb plants in the garden and we can't use them all fresh. I'll give your method a try and see how it works for us. Thanks!
@rancher hicks Maybe you will get more pies if you make the pie filling for your DW...

I resemble that remark about eating the jar of pie filling in the garage so no-one knows! Ha Ha!! I've done it many times, well maybe not in the garage...

My mom always removed the rings from the jars for storage also. Rust concerns here in Wisconsin, but also because she was short of rings for some reason ... 3 little girls who thought they were cool bracelets wouldn't be a factor, would it?

Those peaches - Oh, my!

I have a friend who planted a peach tree in his front yard. The third year they had 3 peaches. The fourth year it was loaded and they were picking them and using them. One morning he was leaving for work and looked at his tree - someone had brought a ladder over and stripped every peach off the tree during the night! every - single - peach !! He was pretty upset. As he said, if they would have asked, they probably would have given them some - but to steal every peach off the tree, what is this world coming to?

Unfortunately, the next year the tree was really loaded and before they were ripe there was a wind storm and it snapped the top of the tree off.
Sorry for butting into the conversation. . . . I would like to get cannng again but have a slight problem. The last time I canned I removed the PSI thingy to clean thoughly and now, a year later, cannot find all the peices. Namely the nuts to thread the ______ that has the PSI meter on top.

I have looked on the presto canning site but since I dont know the names of these parts, just cant find out if they have the parts. So who knows the name of these parts?????

THank you.
Last year I had just 9 ripening peaches up high on the tree and one day 8 were missing. I thought maybe someone had backed their pickup truck into the yard. Two days later the one left was gone. Turns out it wasn't folks but raccoons! They have a tendency to carry the fruit away, unlike squirrels or rabbits that eat or decimate the fruit in near proximity. Can't say about a tree full of peaches, though. Bummer....
Squirrels did a number on my apricot crop and I could tell the peaches were getting ripe when I found a couple on the ground. Rabbits tend to gnaw all around, but squirrels go for the pit and leave a lot of the fruit.

I bought a bag of blood meal, liberally applied it around the peach tree and -- Yay!! -- squirrels are not very interested in the crop. Only lost 5 peaches total vs. about 40% of the apricot crop.

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