What are you canning now?

Well, its not exactly canning... but the popcorn was ready and now put up for the year!


It's 2 heirloom varieties a white and a red... I do not remember the name of either one, but its really tasty!

I used all the pulp, just removed seeds, wasn't sure if it was jelly or jam since the pulp is mainly juice. If you mash and strain you might get a clearer pink.

FYI...... cooked watermelon has an odd smell! It's still good though!
We have doing green beans & tomatoes as fast as we can do them . So far this year we have also done bread butter pickles, green beans , maters , some small potatoes, also looking forward to canning some sweet potatoes next. I have been loving the fresh garden dinners vegetarian delight. The freezers are about full again we froze the corn. we're running out of jars lol . Froze some green tomato slices for fried green tomatoes this winter found that one on food channel. sounds good anyway guess I will find out this winter.
I have 25 lbs ( minus 10 tomatoes) of regular big round tomatoes ( NOT romas).

I only make sauce with romas. What do I do with these? they are HUGE. I'd guestimate i Have maybe 15-20 lbs left. At least 20 big honker tomatoes.

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