What are your Chickies names?! ALSO,what IS this LIGHT YELLOW ONE?!!

You forgot Gonzo, Disco, Lisa Marie, Neachy peachy, Sunny, Blondie, etc!
Hatcheries (read Feed Stores) don't sell TRUE Ameraucanas, they advertise them that way, but they are Easter Eggers. I would guess that they either mismarked the sheet that the cashiers use to check you out, or they put them into the wrong bins...I read a funny post earlier today that said that most feed store employees can't tell the difference between a chick and a duckling, let alone identify different breeds of chick. If your yellow one with brown stripes ends up being your slw, I will send you a dozen hatching eggs for free. I guess you'll just have to wait and see what's what.

Cloverleaf Farm, yellow one with brown stripes is growing... still thinking its not the slw? is it the barred rock? my husband named her Mo (bc she has a MOhawk--creative, i know. LOL)

We have lots of chicks, and I am having trouble telling them all apart. Only a few have been named so far. We have 1 black Giant who is Nan for now, but if she turns into a roo (she is pretty tall and has HUGE legs) she will be called Carmine. There is a super sweet SLW named Layla. The Easter Eggers are wild looking with their hair and remind me of 80's rockers, so the twins I named Ann Wilson and Nancy Wilson, and the blond is Lita Ford. The smaller 2 are Egg Drop and Ellie.
Dixie (as in Chicks) and Daisy (as in She-Daisy) our 2 refugee Red/Gold Sex Links, They started the whole chicken obsession.

2 ugly Silkies named Ursula & Agnes (We actually did a google search for ugly names)

and 4 new babies:
BuffOrp= Penelope
Lt Brahma (I hope)= Fiona
Blue Cochin= Violet
Partridge Cochin= Reba (she's a spitfire!)
Here is what we have for names:
Rhode Island Red: Gregory Peck (goes by Greg)
EE: Adee (chick-adee)
Golden Laced Wyandotte: Henna (named by my niece)
Buff Orpington: Juicy Lucy
We have:
Lexi (EE)
Buttercup (BO)
Rosebud (Silver Hamburg)
Octavia (RIR)
Dorothy (BR)
Constance (Golden Laced Wyandot)

Deceased ones are:
Bruno (started out as Brunella and had to be renamed.
Buttercup (the first, my 7 year old instisted on recycling the name)
Out of 24 chicks only a few have names so far. They are getting them as they stand out...

Buttercup (?)
Kicker (?)
Mumble (?)
Longneck (BSL)
Rose (?)
Freckles (Supposedly Americauna, prob EE)

One day I will figure out what breeds I do have... maybe I will post one a week for a discussion to see
Hatcheries (read Feed Stores) don't sell TRUE Ameraucanas, they advertise them that way, but they are Easter Eggers. I would guess that they either mismarked the sheet that the cashiers use to check you out, or they put them into the wrong bins...I read a funny post earlier today that said that most feed store employees can't tell the difference between a chick and a duckling, let alone identify different breeds of chick. If your yellow one with brown stripes ends up being your slw, I will send you a dozen hatching eggs for free. I guess you'll just have to wait and see what's what.

Cloverleaf Farm, yellow one with brown stripes is growing... still thinking its not the slw? is it the barred rock? my husband named her Mo (bc she has a MOhawk--creative, i know. LOL)


The yellow one with the stripe down her back is your Easter Egger! She also has green legs. Looks just like 1 of mind did at that age...she's beautiful now too!
we are in a similar boat in trying to identify the breeds, but we got ours from a day care project. They received a "mix" of eggs with no clue as to what they had, and we now have 7 chicks, I have only identified one breed for sure, the other six we will have to wait a while. It is part of the fun at Gabby's Garden, waiting to see what you really have.

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