What are your Chickies names?! ALSO,what IS this LIGHT YELLOW ONE?!!

My roos name is elvis too, originally it was elvia, but then he started crowing
My roos name is elvis too, originally it was elvia, but then he started crowing

Mine is a partridge silie who got his name because he has black skick "hair" and a neroligical problem that causes his head to rock left to right when he walks.
My roos name is elvis too, originally it was elvia, but then he started crowing

Mine is a partridge silie who got his name because he has black skick "hair" and a neroligical problem that causes his head to rock left to right when he walks.

aww, thats cute! Sorry about the nerological problem, but its adorable
Henrietta RIR
Easter Red Star
Best in Show BR
Diego EE
Shaggy Silky mix
Frosty Silky mix Roo

New Chicks
Button Light Brahma
Lacey Silver Laced Wyandotte
Apple EE
Abby EE
I have 3 ISA Browns; "Extra" (has an X on her back); Honey; and Butter. 2 White Leghorns (I think) a pullet, "Dot" and a Roo "Chip" and a lil Bantam named "BeeBee" I was laughed at for naming them as soon as I got them but now I feel right at home!
I don't know the genders of my chicks, so for now they each have two names, lol.

Mavis or Maynard
Clarice or Hannibal
Wilma or Wilbur
Ginger or Clovis
Phoebe or Phineas
Greta or Graham
Delilah or Ezra
Lilith or Lazarus
We are beginners at raising chickens. We have 22 Black Australorps, 6 booted bantams, 4 RIRs, and 3 RIWs (?). A few have names, but most don't yet. We didn't make a point to name them all...the names just come to us from time to time, especially when we get to the point that we can tell one apart from the others.

Black Australorps:
Maybellene (the one with the most white/light gray on her face and chest)
Dorothy (the solid black one)
Gilda (the other solid black one, but she's always the first one to jump up on the ledge of the brooder when we come visit)
Jesse and Abby (claimed and named by my 5-y/o neighbor boy; we don't know which ones they are but he says he can tell; "THAT one is Abby!" haha!!)
Bill and Spike (named by our 13-y/o daughter after actors she likes)

Glenna (the one with the lightest colored head; claimed and named by hubby)

Booted Bantam:
Gimpy (cause his legs dont work!)

Of the chicks we just hatched on the 26th we got these names:

Clementine- Silkie/Cochin cross
Robinood- Bantam Splash Cochin
Charlotte-Bantam Splash Cochin
Adam-Bantam Barred Cochin
Eve-Bantam Black Cochin
Silverado-Bantam Cochin of unknown color
Dotty- Bantam Partridge Cochin

The rest are standard EE's:
Wendy-yellow with black on wings
Hershey-Chocolate brown
Donna-Brown with grayish white muffs
Georgia-Light colored
Maya-Brown with Aztec or Mayan markings on head
Jill-Reddish brown
Gina-Reddish brown

The kids named most of them. We're not keeping all of them, we plan to sell some, but the kids feel that everyone needs a name, right from birth/hatching, so each chick got a name shortly after hatching. We have some more hatching right now and it will be interesting to see what names they come up with for those!

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