What are your favorite things that your chickens do?

I absolutely love when my six 8 week olds stretch out in the sun. They sit down, stretch out their wings and legs, and close their eyes. Its adorable!

I also love how excited they all get when I let them out to free range. They leap out of the run and go flying together under the nearest tree.

What are your favorites?

Oh my goodness, there’s so much! What a lovely question!! Can’t wait to read all of the other replies on this thread! 💕

I have three girls, and they’re all so different in personality.
Mary will do a little hop when she wants to be held, and she squats whenever I come by to see her! The squat is definitely endearing, even if it’s a little uncomfortable! 😂 It’s absolutely ridiculous. Here’s my pretty Mary!

Biscuit will absolutely demand that I cuddle with her. And once she’s on my lap, she stays. She will plunge her head into my armpit, my shirt, my sleeves- she’ll do anything to get as close as physically possible so that she can cuddle up. Here’s my golden girl!

Occasionally Mary will join, and I’ll have two birds on my lap. Sometimes Duchess too will hop in, when she’s feeling up to it. And at that point, I have three birds asleep in my lap. Their little eyes will close, they’ll do this little nuzzle thing, and they’ll purr. The purr... Is ridiculous. I know they’re happy when they purr, and it warms my heart every time. 💖 They do the exact same thing when they bask together in the sun, too. Here’s a pic of all three!
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This is such a cute wholesome thread, already,thank you for starting it :love
Two of my roosters will hop in the nesting boxes with their hen or with a hen nearby and make happy little rooster noises as he shows her where to lay (even though there’s no mystery about it, he just likes to show her) she actually looks quite annoyed in this photo:lol:

I also have chicks in the house and my oldest d’Uccle chick gets jealous whenever I pet another chick that isn’t her she stomps right over and pecks my hand until I lay my hand flat in front of her which she then hops into and waits to be picked up.:love
Great photos!

I just enjoy the simple fact that every time I open the front door and go out, there's a stampede to the run door in anticipation of food, treats, free range time, etc. Even if I'm gardening near the run (like mowing the lawn) the group follows me around the fence, hoping something will happen.
Oh my goodness, there’s so much! What a lovely question!! Can’t wait to read all of the other replies on this thread! 💕

I have three girls, and they’re all so different in personality.
Mary will do a little hop when she wants to be held, and she squats whenever I come by to see her! The squat is definitely endearing, even if it’s a little uncomfortable! 😂 It’s absolutely ridiculous. Here’s my pretty Mary!
View attachment 2175625

Biscuit will absolutely demand that I cuddle with her. And once she’s on my lap, she stays. She will plunge her head into my armpit, my shirt, my sleeves- she’ll do anything to get as close as physically possible so that she can cuddle up. Here’s my golden girl!
View attachment 2175627

Occasionally Mary will join, and I’ll have two birds on my lap. Sometimes Duchess too will hop in, when she’s feeling up to it. And at that point, I have three birds asleep in my lap. Their little eyes will close, they’ll do this little nuzzle thing, and they’ll purr. The purr... Is ridiculous. I know they’re happy when they purr, and it warms my heart every time. 💖 They do the exact same thing when they bask together in the sun, too. Here’s a pic of all three!
View attachment 2175631
Beautiful!!! I especially like the picture in the Jean pocket...too cute!
Great photos!

I just enjoy the simple fact that every time I open the front door and go out, there's a stampede to the run door in anticipation of food, treats, free range time, etc. Even if I'm gardening near the run (like mowing the lawn) the group follows me around the fence, hoping something will happen.
Same! They are so cute when they follow us...also because they look so ridiculous running!
This is such a cute wholesome thread, already,thank you for starting it :love
Two of my roosters will hop in the nesting boxes with their hen or with a hen nearby and make happy little rooster noises as he shows her where to lay (even though there’s no mystery about it, he just likes to show her) she actually looks quite annoyed in this photo:lol:
View attachment 2175615
I also have chicks in the house and my oldest d’Uccle chick gets jealous whenever I pet another chick that isn’t her she stomps right over and pecks my hand until I lay my hand flat in front of her which she then hops into and waits to be picked up.:love
I have a jealous buff orpington that is like that! It's very cute
She is very demanding of attention and always wants pets.
I love the way mine rush the fence, flapping, flying and running, they know that Mama means treats, Charlie my NN Roo will crow when I come up, like he's saying come on..lol, I think the one thing that I really enjoy watching is them playing a game of keep away with a bug, one will grab it and run, then everyone chases them and someone else grabs it, it can go on for a 1/2 hour..lol.. it's really funny when one of the Roo's gets it and then makes the clucking noises like he's found food. All the girls go running over.
I love the way mine rush the fence, flapping, flying and running, they know that Mama means treats, Charlie my NN Roo will crow when I come up, like he's saying come on..lol, I think the one thing that I really enjoy watching is them playing a game of keep away with a bug, one will grab it and run, then everyone chases them and someone else grabs it, it can go on for a 1/2 hour..lol.. it's really funny when one of the Roo's gets it and then makes the clucking noises like he's found food. All the girls go running over.
So cute! I like the bug game too. Sometimes it seems like my hens will catch a bug or worm and then walk around with it as to parade their accomplishment. It doesnt take long before the others begin the chase.
So cute! I like the bug game too. Sometimes it seems like my hens will catch a bug or worm and then walk around with it as to parade their accomplishment. It doesnt take long before the others begin the chase.
With 35 chickens in my main flock, I don't think that the bug catcher has time to parade..lol, the others catch on immediately and the chase is on. We had a beetle invasion and the girls had a great time. Sad when the beetles past through. My first girls, I thought I'd give them a treat and get them crickets, they stood there and watched them hop away.

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