What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

No more spending money on decorative gourds! I smashed our purchased ones in the compost pile last year and continued to put my rabbitry waste there and…well… this is about 75% of them.
Very nice! I bet your chickens would like the seeds if you cut some in half and put them in the run.

My neighbor is saving her pumpkins/gourds for me to give to my chickens after Halloween.

I might see if the farmer's market has a sale on November 1... :)
Very nice! I bet your chickens would like the seeds if you cut some in half and put them in the run.

My neighbor is saving her pumpkins/gourds for me to give to my chickens after Halloween.

I might see if the farmer's market has a sale on November 1... :)
They do love them and loved them last year in the compost pile!
Wow! You’ve got some neat looking ones there. Rabbit poop is the best thing ever for a garden, I miss having it.
Duck poop and turkey poop and hen too ;)

The only poop I could do without is my 130lb dog... Wish I could teach her to use a toilet.

All my other poopers I follow around scooping it up and happily putting it into my "next year" garden beds. (I rotate)
The only poop I could do without is my 130lb dog... Wish I could teach her to use a toilet.

Although I have never attempted to compost dog manure, evidently it is possible..


:idunno I don't know if it worth your time or effort, but at least it is possible.

I only do cold composting in my chicken run composting system. So, dog manure would not work in there. Not a big deal as I don't have a dog. I do compost all my chicken manure and when I had rabbits, I used all the rabbit droppings as well.
Although I have never attempted to compost dog manure, evidently it is possible..


:idunno I don't know if it worth your time or effort, but at least it is possible.

I don't know if it is because the dog loves my spouse TOO MUCH and me just a little, and the hens are 'mine' or it really is objectively true.... but I find the dog poop is stinky and gross... where my hens can do no wrong, even poo... (yeah, parents do have favorites ;) )

I think you would have to have several dogs to be worth the effort. Currently I shovel it into a bucket and then I go pour it out on the edge of the forest across the street that the hens cannot cross. I tell myself it keeps wolves, raccoons etc warned that a dog lives here, but mostly I think it smells bad and want it where I will not step in it!
I find the dog poop is stinky and gross... I think you would have to have several dogs to be worth the effort... but mostly I think it smells bad and want it where I will not step in it!

Well, it takes some effort to pick up the dog poo and walk it over to the edge of the forest. I have never done Bokashi composting, but I think they just use a bucket system, so it might be less effort to dump the dog poo into the bucket than carrying it over to the edge of the forest. I don't think you would need many dogs as you are already composting other stuff in the Bokashi bucket anyway. Any organic manure is just that much more added to the mix.

:idunnoI admit, I have no problem with using most farm animal manures in my composting, but I have always tossed out dog manure. I don't have cats, but I understand that you should never keep any cat feces for composting in any conditions. Evidently, hog manure should never be used for composting, either.

On the plus side, I found this little table which really highlights the benefits of poultry manure over cow or horse manures - pound per pound used as fertilizer...


Ref: https://extension.unh.edu/resource/...s-and-manure-based-composts-garden-fact-sheet
I tried composting dog poo once, it was just nasty and stayed nasty. IMO, only the manure of herbivores composts well. Yes, I know chickens are not strictly 100% herbivores, but dogs eat a LOT of meat. So I don't use their poop and I would not recommend it, if asked. It's just :sick.

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