What Book are you reading?

I have since finished Portrait of a Lady, I thought the ending was kind of weak and not very good closure. I also finished the Wives of King Henry VIII which was very good and informative. I'm still working on Chamber of Secrets.
It's not a "book", per se, but I'm totally hooked! It's called Mom's Journal of the Zombie Years, here's the link


I'm also reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers and the Emergency Essentials catalog
I don't get much time to read these days (besides dissection manuals!) but before school began I had just started Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut is an amazing writer and the book is good so far. Before that I read Congo by Michael Crichton. Crichton is one of my favorite authors. Such a shame he died so young!

My favorite author is Douglas Adams. Another person who died so early! He was a brilliant and hilarious writer. Vonnegut has a similarly satirical style, but I am always on the lookout for similar authors.

I also recently read a book called Wool by Hugh Howey. I was so captivated by the book. I have not started the next set of books by him but he is a surprisingly good writer who has strong female leads. Wool is a post apocalyptic book along similar lines as 1984 and Brave New World.

I read a book called The Running Man (remember the goofy Arnold schwartzenneger movie from the 80's??) by Stephen king. I am not normally a king fan, but this book was incredible. It have me a crazy book hang over for over a week! The book is like an adult version of the hunger games. Definitely not for the squeamish, but simply amazing.

This crowd might enjoy a book called Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann. Someone from BYC recommended it years ago to me. It was about sheep that try to solve the murder of their herdsman. Great book!

Animal farm was great, but I enjoyed it more the first time I read it, before I had to read it for school and learn that it had a lot to do with Russian politics!
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I don't get much time to read these days (besides dissection manuals!) but before school began I had just started Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut is an amazing writer and the book is good so far. Before that I read Congo by Michael Crichton. Crichton is one of my favorite authors. Such a shame he died so young!

My favorite author is Douglas Adams. Another person who died so early! He was a brilliant and hilarious writer. Vonnegut has a similarly satirical style, but I am always on the lookout for similar authors.

I also recently read a book called Wool by Hugh Howey. I was so captivated by the book. I have not started the next set of books by him but he is a surprisingly good writer who has strong female leads. Wool is a post apocalyptic book along similar lines as 1984 and Brave New World.

I read a book called The Running Man (remember the goofy Arnold schwartzenneger movie from the 80's??) by Stephen king. I am not normally a king fan, but this book was incredible. It have me a crazy book hang over for over a week! The book is like an adult version of the hunger games. Definitely not for the squeamish, but simply amazing.

This crowd might enjoy a book called Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann. Someone from BYC recommended it years ago to me. It was about sheep that try to solve the murder of their herdsman. Great book!

Animal farm was great, but I enjoyed it more the first time I read it, before I had to read it for school and learn that it had a lot to do with Russian politics!
I liked Wool also. Haven't read any of the other Silo stories but I see there are several of them. Wool just kind of freaked me out at the end.
Enders Game. Kids read it for school so I did too.Then we read Speaker for the Dead. Now we are on Xenocide. The movie to the first is coming out this month, but we are sure it won't be nearly as good as the book. It has been an interesting series.

Prior to those my ds got me to read some Erin Hunter books about forest clan cats. Usually I like King or Cook type books,but the change has been nice.The Potter books were fun.
I am a huge addict of the Warrior books. They are fantastic. Oh and Ender's Game was actually really good.

I am currently reading The Huntress and The Mage (unofficial title) and by reading, I really mean editing and writing. It's about a huntress from a small village outside the laws of any kingdom. She was raised by a mage after her parents disappeared into the forest. Said mage's nephew comes to live with them and after that the whole world seems to fall apart.

It's more interesting than I can make it sound.
I just finished The Husbands Secret and Gone Girl, which I absolutely loved. I'm reading The Silent Wife now and it's ok but for some reason I can't get into it yet.
I just finished The Husbands Secret and Gone Girl, which I absolutely loved. I'm reading The Silent Wife now and it's ok but for some reason I can't get into it yet.
I want to get Gone Girl, but I've got to be able to find it second hand or at the library somewhere and haven't found it for a price I'll pay yet.

Re-reading Catching Fire, anticipating the movie coming out soon!

Also reading A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers--the combined (fictionalized) stories of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary from the Bible. I'm on Bathsheba right now--loving it!

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