What breed and color is this brown hen?

I think her legs are pink but I never really looked.

Hmmm, in one of the pics, her legs look slatey in one, more pink. I'll look at her more close tomorrow.
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I did a quick look up and wow, definitely Brahma. Poor marked but definitely Brahma, explains her huge size too. I still don't see EE though, what about her am I missing then?
I found this site with some awesome Brahma photo's. They don't post the weights there but I'll bet my hen weighs over 7 pounds. Trouble doesn't have that fine penciling, I used to have a hen that was really similar, maybe not as large that had the same coloring as this gold Brahma

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I said EE because the color yours has is something Brahmas don't have. Yours is a BBR/gold duckwing, the closest Brahmas have is golden, aka Partridge. In the US those are very rare, but very different from BBR coloring. Easter Eggers commonly have the color though, and I have indeed known some to have olive eggs (which crossed to a brown layer give slightly dark brown eggs) and I've also known some pretty heavy weight Easter Eggers.

The leg color of your girl makes me think Orpington x Brahma though, but still the color wouldn't fit.
My guess is a Brahma cross of som kind, not necessarily EE though. Seems like everyone wants to call the unidentifiable a Easter Egger. Actually that coloring looks to me alot like a Welsummers coloring. Not saying that what she is part of, just saying.
The EE color I was referring to (and also the most common ee color) is the same as a Welsummer. I mentioned them instead though because Welsummers and even another BBR colored similarity, the Leghorn, are thin in body, have single combs which would enlarge this one's comb, would reduce the dewlap (most EE's have dewlaps, bearded or not) and would make the legs a definite yellow color.

Just my input.
Is that a pea comb on the Brahma's too? Trouble has exactly the same dewlap/face/comb as the Brahma's in that website. They are UK Brahma's though so are the ones here different? I didn't think she had a pea comb myself, it stands up and is wavy, not lumpy/ rumpled looking like my Araucana hens.
Except for the feather sides, (what I call birds with feathers on the feet), she looks a lot like the Golden Laced Wyandotte hens I used to have. I've got a couple pullets that are mutts with similar coloration but they are crossed between either EE or Black Australorp rooster and Golden Laced Wyandotte hens. So, neither have feather sides. I can't wait to see what their eggs will look like, but neither one of these birds look like they will be huge. Yours looks like a cross of some kind for sure, very interesting, pretty bird, you have there.
Becuase everyone in this section thinks that if it is an unknown or a mix, that it is an EE

There is nothing in the girl to indicate EE, so unless someone swears an oath that her mama or papa was an ameraucana, an araucana or an EE, I will emphatically state that she is not.
Wyandotte was my thought at first glance. Could well be both wyandotte and brahma in her background. That might explain the unusual comb--a mix of several comb genes.

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