What breed and gender am I??? Anybody else, he has got a new home.

momma's chickens

11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
HI, I have this chicken, I don't remember ever even getting it and I have records of my chickens. Anyway, can somebody please identify breed and gender. I know the pic isn't the greatest my ds took it. Thank you!
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Do you mean the black and red one with the white earlobe? Looks exactly like my rosecomb brown leghorn rooster, at least from that distance. Its a rooster for sure, can't be 100% on breed though, need a few closer up shots for that.
Well isn't that interesting because I never purchased leghorn chicks. He seems friendly enough but I have a Buttercup roo that rules the roost. Is yours friendly? Thank you for answering this post.
I found a nice home for him, he will be the only rooster to their 16 females. However, when I went to put him in the cage he made horrible clucking hen sounds. He is pretty but I want to make sure he is a he before I say good-bye.

Here is one more pic.

Mikarod, that makes sense because I did PURCHASE a Gold-Spangled Hamburg this spring. Thank you!
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