What breed are these hens


Aug 26, 2020
I bought these three hens at an auction on Saturday and i am not sure what breed they are. One guy told me they were black sex links and another told me they were australorps but i think they look like Jersey giants.
What color are the bottom of their feet. Pink=australorp. Yellow/orange=JG
They are yellow, do you have any idea what age they could be because they are about the same size as my lavender Orpingtons and I figured jersey giants would be bigger
They are yellow, do you have any idea what age they could be because they are about the same size as my lavender Orpingtons and I figured jersey giants would be bigger
So you have a picture? Theres really no way to guess age at this point. They're close to or laying age at least. I dont think they're JG. They seem too small
Most hatchery JGs are smaller then they should be.
Mine were pretty comparable to those with the guinea as a reference. I had guineas with mine also.

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