What breed is your broody?

My BEST broody was a Turken hen. WOW she was mean, if she wanted to be broody you just better let her be. Otherwise to collect the eggs even on a DAILY basis you had to cover her head with a feed bucket or feed scoop to get them.. I miss her she got Coyote ate
. Right now the ones that want to be brrody are a lil Silkie Batam and a Dark Brahma Bantam..
Black orpington. On Tuesday I took her eggs away right before they were about to hatch because it got cold again (7 degrees at night) and we got dumped on with snow. So she moved to the new nest that everyone lays in, sat there for a day on 4 eggs and now is back to the original nest. I don't even know if she has anything under her.
Had about 12 broody Araucanas before - GREAT moms. They'll take care of chicks for up to 2 months, and even take in foster chicks when others often don't. Had 1 broody Ameraucana so far. Had 1 broody Black Copper Marans before. Had 1 broody production/hatchery New Hampshire.

The Araucanas were best, the Ameraucana girl was pretty poor about how she handled things, even squished one of her chicks to death once, the New Hampshire was fairly good for a first timer, - She went broody underneath a building though.

This year, so far no broodies yet, but I'm sure the Araucanas will start up a parade soon.
I have a friend who's Black silkie just hatched 2. There are lots of people who love silkies as broodies but they aren't very big. I've also heard that the Black Australop breed make excellent moms.

Anyway, I think I could put 15 eggs under each of my buffs. They are very nice big birds with lots of feathers.

That is SUPER sweet!
Both my black wyandottes have been broody, my blue wyandotte, and my RIR all bantams. They do great! My wyandottes have been broody multiple times.


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