What breed is your broody?

I have 2, a buff silkie (only a few mos after the other one finally finished) & a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. Last time, the chicks were a silkie/duccle mix, this time I smartened up and pulled all the silkie eggs (only have a duccle roo). My silkie is sitting on 5 duccle eggs and the duccle is sitting on 2 duccle eggs....
Our Silkies are the natural broody mommas. One is sitting on 7 eggs now, though she wanted more I didn't want to take any chances, and the other recently fostered the batch of 11 Houdans I had shipped.

There are 11, one's hiding:

Again, there are 11 baby Houdans in this photo. Frequently, they'd all disappear! It's amazing to me how much room this little ball of fluff can manage to make to cover chicks...:

If the eggs I have in the 'bator hatch, I strongly suspect they will have two Silkie mommas for a while. Cookie had been broody for a day when I brought her in the house, tossed her in a crate and put a couple of chicks under her. She looked at them, back at me, and then started making soft 'guuk guuk' sounds to them. So I added the rest, one by one - each time she just took the baby in as if I'd taken then from her in the first place.
Zaxby's2 :

A leghorn going broody? Neat. Do you have a pic? I think buff leghorns are beautiful. And

Penny is still moody and broody. Any other time she's a little skittish but a sweetheart.
Here are a couple of pics of her. I think she's very pretty.

My Broodies are "Mutts", Their ancestor breed inputs are Rhode Island Red crossed with Plymouth Barred Rock, then Easter Egger blended in along with Jersey Giant and Australops. I've been hatching my eggs for nearly twenty years and well onto developing a "landrace" for the Midwest here. Oh, and there are some unknown heavy breeds blended in that were rescued after 9/11 when the airlines were shut down and the airports sent the stranded orders of chicks out to the local feed stores.


LOVE this picture. These are true workin girls right there. I hope you let them take a break and raise their chicks. They look like they deserve it
the best broody i ever had was my sweet banty cornish girl, Sugar. she passed away earlier this year due to worms
. now her daughter (cornish/cochin X ) is broody, but she is too heavy to sit on eggs without crushing them
my silkie X's also go broody on and off all year. right now only one is broody, but a few months ago four of them were and one (silkie/rosecomb X) hatched two silkie X chicks! unforunatly as a new mother she didn't know what to do with them and in the end rejected them. i raised them myself instead and they are both very sweet chicks
my serama is also broody and i'm hoping for babies!
I am so sorry about Sugar RIP,
I hope your serama hatches some chicks

Mabey later this evening I will upload some pics of my mama dorking with her chicks

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