What breed is your favorite in your flock?

So sorry, I haven't lost any yet, some are 5 yrs old. I feed my whole flock the All Flock type of feed though, not feed for Layers. I provide calcium in a separate feeder if some feel the need to peck at it. I don't know if that makes a difference but as I have many roosters mixed in, I heard the Layer feeds can harm them, so everyone gets All Flock here. I still get plenty of eggs but some don't lay every single day & that's OK with me. Maybe I just got lucky with mine so far? I didn't know they may die young. 😔

Yes, I feed all-flock as well because the excess calcium in layer feed is damaging to birds who are not laying as much or at all, and I have a lot of older hens as well. I don't know that that would make a difference there, honestly. It's the sheer number of eggs the red sexlinks tend to produce that leads to issues. If you haven't had any issues in 5 years, though, then maybe you won't have the same troubles after all! My last red sexlinks were purchased about 12 years ago, so perhaps things have changed in that time. It was one of my 2010 red sexlinks that lived to nearly 7 years instead of the usual 3 years of the ones I'd owned before her... :fl
I do not, personally, recommend getting ISAs, Comets, or any other red sexlink hybrid if your intention is to keep them as pets. They tend to have a very short lifespan due to their super high egg production causing problems down the line. 🙁 I've not had a similar experience to what you describe because I stopped getting them years ago after I realized that almost every one of them died at 2-3 years of age from something related to egg laying, particularly internal laying and cancers of the reproductive tract, and those that made it past that age still generally died from those as well later on. It was just too heartbreaking for me to grow attached to a bird and then watch them go through that. I hope you have better luck than I did with yours as they age.
I want to second this. I absolutely LOVE my Golden Comets. They are the funniest, most entertaining, most curious, chickens I have had to date. But unfortunately, I am learning about exactly what you described. 2 months ago I lost one of my Comets to what I believe was salpingitis, along with other reproductive issues. Now my only remaining Comet is going through the exact thing my first one did, plus she laid a lash egg about a month ago which is a horrible sign. I take great care of my chickens and have even done antibiotics and other stuff, but these high production layers' bodies just seem to fade away after a while.

I have no clue how old my Comets were/are because I got them full grown from a farm animal sanctuary, but I don't think they were/are super old. Those chickens have great personalities, but if you get them, be prepared that they may suffer these types of ailments after their second year. I just felt the need to say this since I'm going through my second Golden Comet death right now within a period of two months.
From the ones I currently have, the friendliest are the Bantam Cochin. One little cockerel just runs up and begs to be picked up, and will sit on my shoulder. I got two pullets, probably around 3-4 months old, last week and already they are little snugglebugs.

My Polish cockerel is also a darling, and always hangs out with me, enjoys being pet and never makes a fuss being picked up. He's a sweetheart and probably at the bottom of the pecking order, but everyone loves him (humans and chickens alike).

We only started with chickens this year, so no eggs yet. My biggest thing is that the birds must be gentle since I live with my daughter and eight year old grandson.
From the ones I currently have, the friendliest are the Bantam Cochin. One little cockerel just runs up and begs to be picked up, and will sit on my shoulder. I got two pullets, probably around 3-4 months old, last week and already they are little snugglebugs.

My Polish cockerel is also a darling, and always hangs out with me, enjoys being pet and never makes a fuss being picked up. He's a sweetheart and probably at the bottom of the pecking order, but everyone loves him (humans and chickens alike).

We only started with chickens this year, so no eggs yet. My biggest thing is that the birds must be gentle since I live with my daughter and eight year old grandson.
I have a black laced red Wyandotte named Nugget who is my favorite! She’s super friendly and smart! Savvy around the others in the flock and a real personality! She cracks me up all the time with her antics.
If you’re looking for a quirky bird that is very entertaining, I love Ameraucana’s too! Super intelligent bird. They love to perch too!
Awe your lil Nugget sounds cute!
I have 4 Ameraucana’s but only 1 of them really likes me, the others won’t let me touch them.
From the ones I currently have, the friendliest are the Bantam Cochin. One little cockerel just runs up and begs to be picked up, and will sit on my shoulder. I got two pullets, probably around 3-4 months old, last week and already they are little snugglebugs.

My Polish cockerel is also a darling, and always hangs out with me, enjoys being pet and never makes a fuss being picked up. He's a sweetheart and probably at the bottom of the pecking order, but everyone loves him (humans and chickens alike).

We only started with chickens this year, so no eggs yet. My biggest thing is that the birds must be gentle since I live with my daughter and eight year old grandson.
Thanks! I don’t have any bantams yet, but I may add some next year
I want to second this. I absolutely LOVE my Golden Comets. They are the funniest, most entertaining, most curious, chickens I have had to date. But unfortunately, I am learning about exactly what you described. 2 months ago I lost one of my Comets to what I believe was salpingitis, along with other reproductive issues. Now my only remaining Comet is going through the exact thing my first one did, plus she laid a lash egg about a month ago which is a horrible sign. I take great care of my chickens and have even done antibiotics and other stuff, but these high production layers' bodies just seem to fade away after a while.

I have no clue how old my Comets were/are because I got them full grown from a farm animal sanctuary, but I don't think they were/are super old. Those chickens have great personalities, but if you get them, be prepared that they may suffer these types of ailments after their second year. I just felt the need to say this since I'm going through my second Golden Comet death right now within a period of two months.

I am so sorry you're having to go through that as well :hugs

From the ones I currently have, the friendliest are the Bantam Cochin. One little cockerel just runs up and begs to be picked up, and will sit on my shoulder. I got two pullets, probably around 3-4 months old, last week and already they are little snugglebugs.

My Cochin bantams are like this, too, just wait in line at my feet for me to sit down so they can hop in my lap. :love Even my two adult breeder males will let me pick them up or hop into my lap for some attention!
I want to second this. I absolutely LOVE my Golden Comets. They are the funniest, most entertaining, most curious, chickens I have had to date. But unfortunately, I am learning about exactly what you described. 2 months ago I lost one of my Comets to what I believe was salpingitis, along with other reproductive issues. Now my only remaining Comet is going through the exact thing my first one did, plus she laid a lash egg about a month ago which is a horrible sign. I take great care of my chickens and have even done antibiotics and other stuff, but these high production layers' bodies just seem to fade away after a while.

I have no clue how old my Comets were/are because I got them full grown from a farm animal sanctuary, but I don't think they were/are super old. Those chickens have great personalities, but if you get them, be prepared that they may suffer these types of ailments after their second year. I just felt the need to say this since I'm going through my second Golden Comet death right now within a period of two months.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this! I guess I didn’t even think about how being a super egg producer would put them at risk. Thank you!

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