What breed...what IS IT?? Chicken, guinea, turkey, peacock...(Pic's)

Still voting peafowl

Cant be Pea Fowl Ideal doesn't have Pea Fowl, or at least I didn't see them on line...
I all so don't see that little peace of skin between the eyes that Turkeys have so I wouldn't think it was a Turkey..
I don't know if genies come Slate legged all the ones I seen had yellow to pink color legs..

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I don't know what breed it is, but it is a chicken. I got one just like it in my Bantam assortment. It's still ugly, but at 4 wks old, mine looks more like a chicken now.
That's a snood. It is a fingerlike projection and is fuzzy all over it at hatch. This chick has a comb in same place as chicken comb, in a straight line above the beak.
No not peafowl at all. The peachick pic you used is a pied.. those spots on head are colored spots... this chick areas on head is Naked, not colored.

Peachicks are born with already long wings and at the age it's now would be much bigger and taller with very long legs..

This really, really truly is not peachick... Nor a poult either.. It's a chicken. The face thing is strange, could be incubator related or something genetic. Hybrid suggestion is interesting but IIRC most hybrids don't even have a comb.
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