What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

Black Rosecomb Bantams and Sebright bantams .. meanest critters!
White rock roos. I had one that would attack anything that moved. Animals, people, cars. My aunt said that he was good though when I sent him to her house for Sunday dinner.
I had a from what i'd researched after getting them was a pair of Cubalaya based on what I was told about the birds and the fact they looked almost identical to pics I've seen on here...They were given to me by a neighbor and they were EVIL!!!! I kept the pair with some random layer hens and that freaking hen was pure meanness...They stayed in my posession for about 6 weeks before I turned around and gave them to someone else. lol.
The Nazi's used those tactics too.. It worked for them also. Gotta wonder if they got it from RIR hens.

I will NEVER have a RIR rooster.. Ever. I had two and ate both of them after one yanked half the feathers from a silkie hen's head. And a friend just shot one that attacked his baby girl. Aside from Rhode island reds I will pass on leghorns too... hens and roosters. And I really would love to find a decent brown egg production breed that doesn't act so mean as my RIR hens.. If i find some.. Maybe I'll have lots of chicken and dumplings.. Wishfull thinking..
Ohhh.... I LOVE my salmon faverolle rooster. After a bully of a BR that we had, he's the sweetest thing ever. Guess its all in the luck of the draw, especially with hatchery bird!
If I could find a nice calm leghorn hen, I'd really like to add some white eggs to the flock, but I'll pass on them generally for flighty behavior and useless roosters! My DD can keep her cochin banties too. The ones I hatched for her turned out nasty to my big chickens- both male and female. It's funny because the ones we had years ago on the farm were the sweetest things!
Seems like behavior depends on the individual chickens as much as the breeds!
Great thread... thanks Gritsar!
Whew! I just hatched 5 of 'em.....

I'm not interested in getting another Leghorn, brown ones, anyway, She was flighty and skittish and ... didn't live long because that was when my Killer Dachshund hadn't been reformed. But she didn't impress me.

And I've had my fill of these Sebright boys. ONE of 'em, anyway.... little bastid.
I'm not interested in getting any more of the traditional production breeds. (Sex-links, RIRs, leghorns, etc.) I started out with them when I first got into chickens over ten years ago, and while they're nice enough birds, they tend not to be very long-lived and I really prefer to keep bantams and/or flashier breeds. I'll leave the traditional layer breeds to the people who actually care about how many eggs they get.
(As for me, I already get more eggs than I can eat!)
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My hatchery SLW's are noisy, they honk all the time.

I also had an EE roo from a breeder, and he was terrible. He would force himself on all the girls, and even go after really young pullets.

The first pullets I ever owned were EE's from Ideal. They all laid green eggs, were very quiet, not even singing the occasional egg song, and very tame. They also laid very well.

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