What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

After reading through all this I think the RIRs we had were the worst for not allowing new ones into the flock. So off they went. We had a BO Roo that we got from the Grange. ( We learned what a straight line is) He was gorgeous but was really mean to the girls. He all but stripped the Frizzle. We lost her today by a dog. I liked the cochins but they are easy to be broody. I would try any breed at this point as I think from what has been said here that they all can be nice if all the right whatever is in order. Hand raising doesn't seem to be to helpful as far as them getting friendly or not.
they'reHISchickens :

If I could find a nice calm leghorn hen, I'd really like to add some white eggs to the flock, but I'll pass on them generally for flighty behavior and useless roosters! My DD can keep her cochin banties too. The ones I hatched for her turned out nasty to my big chickens- both male and female. It's funny because the ones we had years ago on the farm were the sweetest things!
Seems like behavior depends on the individual chickens as much as the breeds!
Great thread... thanks Gritsar!

yes it is the individual chickens that give the breed a bad name.my BR is mean to other chicken and she lay a soft egg.
my hubby had BR before and we love them.
My leghorns are clam n sweet and lays eggs daily eat less then the others. they come running to me when i go into the run or running into the coop for a hug. I having not found a chicken in my flock that i do not like or love yet. but i do want more eggs daily. and they are 29 1/2 week old. and i am only getting 12 eggs a week out of 12 hens . when i should be getting about 78egg per week. could be predators i am hearing coyettes at night talking at night scared them at night. they walking thur the yards. yes i lock them up at night right before dark​
I'm not so fond of redsexlinks anymore. Ours was a good pet for about a year, but she went downhill the past few months and then died, I suspect internal laying. I read on here that they were prone to that problem. Not sure I'd get any more of them coz of that.

I have a love-hate relationship with my White Leghorns. The ones that I have of that breed seem to benefit the most from hand raising. They have all tested my patience with their rooosting anywhere but the coop antics, YET the ones I hand raised are good pets who seem to like me, and they lay well.
I guess I don't have any real hard feelings either way about them.
I had gotten some Ancona's for white eggs because my oldest son refused to eat any of the brown eggs. Well, they didnt last long enough to find out if their eggs were good or not because they would roost on top of a shed right by our bedroom windows and as soon as the sun was about to rise, they would make the biggest noise right into our window and would continuously make noise, and they refused to go into the henhouse at night.

Another chicken that I would never want to own again is the Salmon Faverolle. The ones that I had were super unfriendly, skittish and very loud.

My favorite all time roo is the Amerucana.
Haven't come across a bird I won't keep, but I'm just stupid!

(I have a solo chick mutt perched on my arm as I type)....I'm a sucker for lost causes.
Leghorns. Too flighty and easily upset. Nothing like worrying about laying problems if the neighbor's dog has been sniffing around the outer fence. Or the noise. Or the histrionics. Or the running around like a chicken with its head cut off - when the head is still attached - although it probably wouldn't be for long if they weren't so scrawny.
Not a fan of silkies. Had two roos a friend gave me, and they were mean as snot. Attacked my hand every day when I went to put the food and water in the pen.
New Hampshires -- they would peck at my knees if I wasn't fast enough at giving food or treats and they would bully the others away from food!
Cornish X - We have tried raising meaties twice. They are dirty stinkin' bowling balls with legs. We had six the first time and five the next and their coop always stunk. I have 30 chickens in the big coop and never had a problem with smell. We don't process (too soft) and there's no one here in Brooksville who I can find who processes chickens, so we just buy ours at the grocery store.

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