What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

I see no one has said SULTAN??? Will never have a Sultan again the weirdest chicken I have ever had scared flighty and walked around like she was a nervous wreck all the time........ UGGH and sebrights. Anyone own Sultans?
I have never owned any myself. But after having Polish I told myself to never get anything with a crest again. Unless its a Silkie, at least when they cant see they dont act stupid and run around. Lol

I've never had chickens but from experiences, I'd never buy a RIR. I've got a scar on my leg due to a devilish rooster!
Never Again will I take care of RIR's again!.
Mr. Ree :

I have never owned any myself. But after having Polish I told myself to never get anything with a crest again. Unless its a Silkie, at least when they cant see they dont act stupid and run around. Lol


I dunno. My red silkie Ellie Mae started screaming like a banshee the other day. I ran out to see what the problem was. He was just running around in a large circle, screeching. There were no other chickens around him at the time. I don't know what it was that set him off, he was just spazzin'. I finally bribed him with food to calm him down. It was like.......screech, screech, screech! then OH! a raisin!
I'm sorry, but I just burst out laughing in my cubicle at that.

Back to breed I won't have again: I have decided not to get any Lakenvelders again. I had two Golden Lakenvelders, and they are SO shy. Great layers, my only white egg layers. But they started spending all their time in the blackberry bramble to avoid the rooster(s). They got tagged more than any other hens. They were screechy about it, too, like they were being killed. Plus, they flew... and one kept flying onto the roof of the biggest coop, climbing into the tree from there. One afternoon she went from the tree over the fence into the neighbor's yard where a Golden Retriever and Rottweiler chased her until the Rottie caught her and killed her. (The neighbors were devastated.) I was sad, but that wouldn't bring her back and it was NOT the neighbors' fault or the fault of their dogs. My bird went into their yard.

The remaining girl is nearly invisible, in that blackberry bramble all day, then sneaks into the coop at night. (That part is a good thing!) Except for the nightly head count, I'd never know I even had a Lakenvelder, except for the white egg she lays in the A-Frame coop. OH! And I suspect her of being an egg-eater, too....

But.... OH! a raisin! Still makes me giggle.
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What breed was your tiny flogging roo?

Those little demons are Pyncheon Bantams, Kat. They are SO cute and mean, I just can't help but love them. Just FYI-they still flog me everyday-'course they only weigh about a pound so it's bearable.
My stupid Leghorn would come flying across the pasture to flog me...big jerk!
buff braham great looking bird but too big she always broke an egg hopping in the top nest box if i didn't get eggs before she went to lay then she would eat whatever she broke and when she moulted she looked like she was dieing because she would go almost completely bald plus living in NW it rains and she would always have her feet feathers muddy. Sweet but frustrating. or Buff Orpingtons the two i have had are always broody as soon as they start laying eggs one of my two has been broody since before she was laying age at 4 months and is now a mom to 17 7 week olds. She is a year and a half i have yet to get an egg from her broody bum but she is a great mama
What breed was your tiny flogging roo?

Those little demons are Pyncheon Bantams, Kat. They are SO cute and mean, I just can't help but love them. Just FYI-they still flog me everyday-'course they only weigh about a pound so it's bearable.
My stupid Leghorn would come flying across the pasture to flog me...big jerk!

Never having dealt with bantams before I think my reaction would be to laugh at the little buzzards. My 13 lb. brahma roo flogging me? Problem (but I seriously doubt it would ever happen). A little one pound jackwagon? Keith would have to come out and pick me up off the ground, I'd be laughing so hard.

We've had a problem with Impy the turken raping the girls each night when it's time for bed. It causes a big disruption as none of the other chickens want to go inside with Impy laying in wait. My solution is to carry him out to the adult coop with me each night while I lock the big birds up. I set him down out there. By the time he gets his butt kicked by both Thor and Lil'Bit, then makes his way back to his coop, all the other chickens have gone to roost and he's out of luck.
I will never have silkies, polish, or leghorns again. They are to sensative and flighty for my likes. I have never had a flighty or mean faverolles.

I won't ever say that I won't ever have x breed of chicken.. everytime I've said that, I end up with one.

But I take exception to the "mean faverolles" thing.

Both my roosters were/are sweethearts .. my hens were cuddle bunnies ... So maybe it's my breeder .. but nice nice birds ..

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