What breed will you never have again? Me? It's...

That is untrue. 4H kids handle their roosters for showmanship and I don't see any mean ones. Some fall asleep during the contest though. I have never experienced a male getting mean because of handling and I have raised chickens for over 40 years. Meaness in any breed is mostly genetics and environment. If a bird has never been handled it will usually be wild and possibly mean.


You know...I wondered about that, with the roos that were shown by kids.
I expect that stressful environment could cause it?
Add RLW Standard Cornish to my list.
I don't know if it's just that these two in particular felt bullied by the other birds, or if they're dumb as rocks, but my two pullets were found standing in the snow today for no telling how long, even though they had plenty of warm places to hide from the bigger guys. They're feet are frozen solid! Not a lick of cold hardiness at all.
POLISH!! I have a white crested polish rooster who attacks me every time I go outside! It drives me INSANE! My sister calls him a "devil". He attacks me all the time...drawing blood from my leg 3 times and bruises as well.
Dominiques, Rhode Island Reds or Hamburgs.

Doms were very skittish, I've been chased by too many RIRs and some friends of mine had a Hamburg rooster they couldn't get rid of fast enough. He was loud, aggressive, flighty and mean to the hens.
RIR roosters. They were awfull! I hatched them myself and handled them all from day one. Didn't matter. They have since been rehomed. The barred rocks were fine. I liked them. Bold but not mean. The Partridge Rock rooster is my favorite. He is awesome. My easter egger roo is kind of a butt too. But, definately no more RIR roos, unless I fine one that is more mellow. We had various Old English Bantys when I was growing up. Now those were the awfullest (is that a word?) little chickens. Horribly mean. None of those for me.
Javas. I would not have a java again. Mean no matter what I did. Put my hand near and they were like vampires. Geez.

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