What breed


There's a piggy in the pasture
Aug 22, 2019
Martin county, Florida
This chick is 4 weeks old what breed and gender is this?


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Where did you get this one? Could it be pure breed or a barnyard mix? Note it has light pink/white legs and they are feathered. Of our breed, that should narrow it down. I’m not sure what breed though -the only feather legged birds we’ve had are Marans and Faverolles, but Faverolles have five toes. And this chick doesn’t look like my Marans.
Where did you get this one? Could it be pure breed or a barnyard mix? Note it has light pink/white legs and they are feathered. Of our breed, that should narrow it down. I’m not sure what breed though -the only feather legged birds we’ve had are Marans and Faverolles, but Faverolles have five toes. And this chick doesn’t look like my Marans.
i got this chick from hoovers hatchery

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