What breeds are "hot" for 2010?

From what I see alot, are the project breeds. Many many people are into them. Beyween the Lav and Jubilee Orp projects, it is hard to say they aren't " H O T "
It appears that poultry will again be the 'item' of the year. The backyard flocks in America continue to grow. We have had more early orders this year than we have had in the past and that is a great thing.
Ideal Poultry will have better availability this year than we have the past 2 years because we chose to end our relationship with the Tractor Supply stores. Their chick program goes for 6 weeks during the peak season and we chose to service our longtime mom and pop stores across the country that buy from us all year, as well as the backyard enthusiast.

From the early orders this is what I am seeing as 'hot' breeds includes a lot of the breeds you all have mentioned.

Mottled Java
Feather Leg Marans

Like I have said in other threads. If you know what you want you really need to place your order soon.

Ideal Poultry
254-697-6677 option 2 for retail
I will have to go with serama for their size, not a loud crower and great temperment which is good for chicken lover in the city like me. The only bad thing is they are a little expensive for a small ornamental bird.

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