What breeds do you wish you had?

I was hoping to get Gold Laced Wyandottes when I got mine this past June. The local feed store only had the Silver Laced variety. So far, they are nice chickens, but not as friendly as my others. I have always wanted Delawares as well, but they weren't available at the time, either.

On a last minute whim, I reserved two Silver Laced Polish (because I looked them up and loved their hair - my profile pic is of Sylvia, one of my SLPs). Not regretting getting them one bit, but I do worry how they'll do when everyone is all grown up. Have heard they can be a little more delicate than other breeds.

In truth, however, I have been thinking lately about possibly developing my own breed of chicken, but I'd need more coops/runs and a lot more time and money before I can do that ;). In the mean time, maybe I can do some research so I'm prepared if I ever take that big step.

I find myself wanting Delawares as well. Something very traditional yet unique about their look.
When I was first looking into getting chickens there were so many breeds I wanted! I thought I got Amerucaunas but I ended up with EEs. At first I was so disappointed but honestly, they are so sweet, very smart, easy to tell apart, lay regularly and their eggs are so pretty! I am kind of hooked on these chickie mutts :love
I wish I had Ayam Cemanis that I could keep. I hatched some this spring, but only one was a pullet, and she ended up dying. I'm not allowed to have cockerels in the city.
Definitely not a good outcome. City living isn't easy with Chickens either..:frow
In my fifty+ years of raising chickens I have had many different breeds. All have their own unique personalities and there are none that I dislike. Lately as I near retirement age, I find myself wanting to get something more exotic like Aseels, Liege Fighters or Jungle Fowl. Or picking a couple of breeds that are endangered and do my part on ensuring their future.

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