What Came First?

If anybody else does want to reply, (Because there have been numerous threads asking the question.) I would say that there will be the answer that God put animals here, and there will be the evolution answer, that everything came from the water, Starting out as plankton.
I bought chickens. Then I got eggs.

If you believe in evolution, the egg came first. The bird that laid it was almost, but not quite a chicken.

If you believe in creation, all the breeds of chickens have been here since the beginning of time, when they were Created, all at once. (If God had been smart, he would have told Adam and Eve not to eat the snake!--Bill Cosby)
Eggs. The post office delivered them and I stuck them in a styrofoam box and 3 weeks later, little chickens hopped out!
The more important way of thinking about this question other than creation vs evolution is simply; At what time? In the beginning of time, or present? If present, we could say the chicken came before the egg because the chicken laid the egg. Or it could be that the egg came first due to the chicken hatching from the egg, it depends on the situation.
I posted this message to get a responce from the faithful members of the Forums. I did not realize that this topic had been discussed before and that it eventually recieved a lock on it.

My appologies to anyone I may have offended in posting this question. This was not my intent. I suppose posting a question on why the chicken crossed the road would be deemed agitative and might ruffle some feathers so I wont go there.

Thanks to those who are "playing along".


The Egg

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