What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

Never had Black Australorps but I do like Buff Orpingtons. I think that for a backyard or hobby flock, you really can't go wrong choosing a breed because you like its looks. Yes, some are more docile than others and some like Polish and feather-legged breeds may have issues (mud in the case of feather-legged breeds, rain in the case of crested breeds plus non-crested breeds in a mixed flock may try to pull out the crest feathers), but with a little research I think you can learn about and work around these issues. If you don't want to raise chicks, you might be better off to get a non-broody breed. Even if you don't have a rooster/fertile eggs and don't want to raise chicks, a naturally broody hen may try to set anyway and it's hard to break her of it.
yeah, i guess i didn't do my breed research when i chose a golden wyandotte for the flock.....beautiful bird, but a miserable bully.....'had to get rid of her and now my little flock is happy again....:)

Yeah, but it's hard to find out the real truth. I researched Wyandottes, and most sites said they are friendly, social chickens. I wonder if the breed as a whole is overall nice, but prone to have bully birds here and there. I have two wyandotte chicks (one silver laced and one gold laced) coming next week...I am praying they are nice to the other chicks they'll be with (an easter egger, a buff orp, an australorp and a black copper marans)
Well, I am so different from most of you guys! I absolutely LOVE my polish and silkies! I actually find them to be the 2 smartest breeds I own! However, although occasionally I will find one who doesn't seem all that bad, I tend to dislike Production red hybrids.. they seem much too mean, bossy, cannibalistic, and aggressive. I'm also not a cannot cornishx... Don't get me wrong, sweetest birds on Earth! But to me, breeding a bird who grows so fast they can't survive is terrible to me! Also, think of how much nutritional value you lose per pond of meat! I'm not a fan of most silkie or polish crosses though! They usually turn out pretty ugly... I'm not a huge fan of the CCL or Creovers... Those sparse few Crest feathers drive me crazy! I love feather footed breeds! They do require cleaning though. I'm also a huge "Not Fan" of hatchery Buff Orpingtons! The hens are usually so bossy and mean! Egg eaters too! Feather pluckers! I love the breeder Orpingtons though!

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