What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

I’ve never been a fan of Rhode Island Reds or Plymouth Rocks as they seem overly common. I’m not a fan of Polish, I do like crested birds but the Polish crest is just too big for my liking. I don’t like the fifth toe on chickens. I don’t know why I just don’t like the look of the fifth toe. :confused: What breeds or chicken characteristics do you guys dislike?
I grew up with RI Reds, White Leghorns and Bard Rock. I'm not particular about the color or decoration. To me chickens are for meat and/or eggs. Reds are pretty good for both, Leghorns great for eggs, the old Rocks are great for meat and fair for eggs. I've never been a fan of the "fancy" chicks some like. Waste of money. Chickens to me aren't pets. Guess I'm old and was raised that way. The only pets we had on our small farm were cats and dogs. Everything else had to contribute in their own way. LOL
Thank you all for contributing to the thread! Makes for some great conversation! There is another thread out there about favorite breeds and why you like them, but this thread is about chicken breeds and characteristics that we dislike. With that being said, I really don’t like tinted eggs. Either be a white egg or a cream egg! Just don’t be tinted! :smack
I am writing to stick up for feather-footed chickens--but most importantly for Polish girls! I too thought I would dislike feather-foots for sanitary reasons, but as somebody else pointed out--chicken feet--whether feathered or bare--are not the most sanitary objects in the world. And I love my Brahmas and Marans, feather feet and all.

How anybody can diss my Polish girls is the most distressing, however! My two Polish girls are the absolutely most perfect girls in the whole wide world. They are hands down the most vivacious, friendliest, and cutest girls known in the avian kingdom. Every day they entertain me immensely. Just watching their bobbing, pouf heads lowers my blood pressure.

As far as the wacky description, I think that is partly their naturally bubbly personality, but much of it can also be attributed to their vision being compromised. In order to care for them properly, they need regular hairstyle sessions. My girls started to run into things, at which point I discovered that they had feathers growing which literally covered their eyes like blinders. (I am not talking about the crested feathers which can obscure, but not totally block vision.) So these girls are more high maintenance and thus unsuitable for people who want a chicken for purely functional purposes. But for those who look at chickens as pets, the Polish are the penultimate bird.
I like most breeds of chickens. That said, I can't stand Silkies. Honestly, if I wanted to mop the floor, I'd buy a mop. Why would I want a pet that mops the floor with their "feathers", then gets all dirty and gross? Speaking of feathers....One of things that appeals to me about chickens is their sleek, beautiful, shiny feathers. Silkies have none of that. They remind me of those hairy rat-dogs that people carry in their purse!

Oh... and Naked Necks. They creep me out, because they look like they have the mange (or the bird equivalent of the mange).

Good thing that they haven't invented a cross between the two......
....looks at RinaRoo's post....
... awww CRAP.

I apologize to all Silkie & Naked-neck lovers, I know I just totally dissed your breed, but I guess that was what the thread is about...dissing breeds! ;)

You're not alone brother/sister! :highfive:

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