What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

My Golden Laced Wyandotte is actually at the bottom of the pecking order. My RIR are an odd mix of bullies and scaredy-cats. The Australorps and Jersey Giant are calming down-I can't tell them apart yet. The best personalities I have are the Barred Rocks (Roo and Hen) and my Dominique. The EE is really flighty. The ISA comet is inquisitive and at the top of the pecking order. The buckeye is standoffish.

I agree with a lot of the comments above about creepy half-plucked birds--ie naked necks. When picking breeds I wanted something that laid well and was at least kind of self sufficient. My flock is a little over 3 months old. So we will wait and see.
I'm not a fan of feathered legs/feet, tuffs/muffs or crests. Bantams, overly 'fluffy' or rounds birds are not for me. Most of the oriental breeds of games are too upright, they look like someone grabbed them by the head and feet and stretched them out.
Hey I was about to post that!
I have never met a chicken I didn't like... now people are another story...

There are individual chickens that I have not enjoyed, but even my wackiest, most skittish, most paranoid pullet (Welsummer) has her merits. No problems here with weird looking birds, feathered feet (half my flock has feathered feet), or even dumb birds. If they are not mean, I can live with them.

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