What color eggs will I lay (if ever)?


9 Years
May 5, 2010
Pretty annoying little brat- jumps in the feed bin EVERY time I open it, always underfoot, nosier than all get out, loves to be cuddled. I think it's a pullet americauna at least I am really hoping it is. Never had an americauna before but it's definitely muffyish. Feet are not feathered (but I can't remember what color they are). Love the markings.

Edited to add: Not crowing WHATSOEVER or even acting boyish at all towards the 80ish hens/pullets and roosters completely ignore it but the tail feathers have got me a bit worried. And there is nothing wrong with it's eye- just the way the pic came out.



Oh and if it's a girl I'm gonna breed her to my miscolored barred rock roo who is gorgeous except he has some rust colored bars in his feathering (only like 4 feathers on his whole body).
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Looks like a pullet to me. I don't think the comb is big enough or red enough to be a roo.

If a hen, should lay green, or blue eggs.
the weird part is that it doesn't seem to be a part of either the male or female pecking order. Runs with the banties.
if it's a male- what type of hen egg color should I breed it to so that the subsequent chicks lay blue or green eggs? I have white, light brown, brown, and dark brown egg layers. I REALLY want blue or green eggs but DH says no more chickiepoos for awhile and I can't argue with that as I've got about 100! Oh, and I have a hen that is a BA mix who has turquoise and purple to her black feathers- absolutely gorgeous! Do you think their chicks would lay colored eggs and have the beautiful sheens to their black feathers?
I was told that breeding a EE roo with other breeds will produce chicks that would lay bluish to greenish eggs. That is was I am counting on with my Araucaca roo!!

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