What color is this Orp?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 3, 2010
Suwannee County, FL
Wondering what color she is........

She's 6 months old.





Gorgeous! Sorry I don't know. Looks like some sort of black and gold partridge to me. Maybe it's like a black sexlink coloring? Black with gold leakage that looks partridgey? Beautiful, whatever it's called or what caused it!
Not a recognized color but more of a cross with maybe a wyndott or another fluffy LF laced bird. Good looking though.
I see some legs that aren't white
She appears to be a cross of Silver Laced Wyandotte (good quality) and something else that's probably solid Black or Wheaten. Her leg color says she either has no Orpington in her or her plumage hides it really well.
What does this mean? She has the same leg color as my orps which I know are pure and came from great breeders. Explain your thinking please.
Well then there ya go. I'm not too terribly experienced with white legged birds that have dark plumage. But that aside, her comb doesn't look like a single comb from here. Maybe it's just my computer though.

If she is in fact a pure Orpington, she looks like the black result of a Buff x Blue.
Genetics 101

I agree with an earlier post. She appears to be a buff orpington and black orpington cross. The leg color is correct for the cross. The bird has white skin and dark shanks. The extended black allele is adding black to the shanks. She looks like she carries dermal melanin;which she would have picked up from either side of the cross. Buff birds sometime carry dermal melanin but they also carry a gene that dilutes the dermal melanin- it is just like they do not have the dermal melanin gene. According to the standard, black orpingtons should not carry dermal melanin.

Check the bottom of the foot- it should be white. If the bottom of the foot is blue she is carrying dermal melanin; if the bottom of the foot is white her feet are black because of the extended black allele.

PS Edit. The comb in one picture looks wide and rose like but then the other pictures look single?????? One of the birds, with a high degree of probability, was a black orpington. If the other parent was a wyandotte it would have to be carrying dark brown and also be laced. I still think the bird is an orpington x orpington offspring.

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