What culinary herbs will you add to your 2018 garden?

Currently I have rosemary, Greek and Italian oregano, cilantro (personal fav), Genovese basil, marjoram, lemon grass, bay laurel, English thyme, chives, mint and sage. For next season I am looking to add savory, lemon verbena, Thai basil and Mexican oregano
Do mean the bay laurel? I'm pretty sure it turns into a tree. But could probably be raised in a pot and kept manageable. I think?
Gets to be a big bush....trimmed for shape. Mine is about 5 ft tall but have had for 7 years. Just transplanted it near the garage late last winter and it bounced back pretty well this autumn with new leaves; so I’m not sure if a bay would enjoy the confines of a pot,
maybe a 50gallon one, as it’s got a pretty extensive root system.
My rosemary (didn't know people did hedges with them - mine seems to be doing it itself - I'm really pleased with it!), thyme, oregano, parsley and chives are all doing well and have totally survived winter. I alway grow lots of basil in the summer. I've tried both type of cammomile over the last 2 years and thye've not worked so I'm determined to try harder this year and get them going! Also want to add tarragon and sage to my permanent herbs as well as welsh (perrenial) onions!
I managed to keep my Spanish thyme from biting the dust. I had left it outside too long and we had that weird arctic blast, so it was pretty unhappy with me. I brought it in and have been coddling it and it's bouncing back! As soon as it gets a bit bigger I'm going to root several cutting so I have back-ups. Starting some others for in the window tonight: chives, thyme, cilantro and flat-leaved parsley.

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