What day is lockdown on a goose egg

Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to weigh as I can't find my scale so I just been monitoring the air cell and tracking progress through what I have learned and researched along the way. I thought hatch day would have been the sixth but seems sooner but my aunt that gave me the egg said the mother was laying on them and quit and so may have a fast hatcher I originally started with 2 eggs and the other quit
Thank you for the advice too! I know right now is a crucial time and not to move the egg no more just the patient wait. I hope it will be strong enough to hatch on its own but I will intercept if I have to but I'm trying to avoid that so I guess we will see what happens.
Its day 26 what day should I be expecting a internal pip? The aircell has dropped way more then it did last night I have the humidity in the 70% range when I misted earlier I could see movement from the egg
Since it's dropping I would expect internal pip at any time. Probably within the next 24 hours :)

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