What defines a good rooster?

Kinda in the same boat... we have a 1 year old EE too and a 10 week old Wyandotte. Not sure if I want to call the year old, but he seams to attack when ever he can.... both good and bad, but he sure does love biting my ankle!
I am in love with him! He's beautiful!!! Yeah the first time a rooster runs at you, it definitely scares ya!! :lol:
I have one 11 wk old cockerel that runs at me when he first sees me. I want to say runs to me, not at me. No pecking, no jumping. I assumed he’s glad to see me and lets me pet him. The others are flightier. So I’m doing wrong?
I love the expression on that rooster's face :gig
He was a gentleman inside out . I got stupid and let him go.:he This is his replacement above
I have one 11 wk old cockerel that runs at me when he first sees me. I want to say runs to me, not at me. No pecking, no jumping. I assumed he’s glad to see me and lets me pet him. The others are flightier. So I’m doing wrong?
Do you usually bring food out? Even mine get excited when I bring treats. Petting is okay as long as you aren't letting him jump on you or pecking you.
If they run at you while you have nothing in your hands for them, that can indicate they're trying to charge you. I have a 12 week old cockerel, he comes up to see If I have food. If I don't, he walks away.

What I look for is if the cockerel is always behind me, or walking right on my heels. Then I turn around and chase him off, or spray him with water. If he ever puts his wing down in front of you he's trying to show dominance, so you should chase or spray him when he does that too.
I have one 11 wk old cockerel that runs at me when he first sees me. I want to say runs to me, not at me. No pecking, no jumping. I assumed he’s glad to see me and lets me pet him. The others are flightier. So I’m doing wrong?
it is okay for him to run to you ...for food ..all my chickens do that ..when you walk toward them ..they need to walk away ...I have had many roosters ..some who I held and loved ..they still respected me . any young rooster that dared to attack me immediately got smacked . only one did it twice ...he stopped after the second smack . Some breeds are more likely to be aggressive . I would watch the leghorn rooster for aggression ..he is already showing signs of Dominance...and leghorns are bred for eggs not disposition
but I was surprised that he seemed to be defending one of the girls at such a young age. He doesn't have any fear and he completely respects me so far. I'm kind of thinking he is a decent rooster.

They do start young. I breed for personality first... everything else comes second.

When the boys are about half grown we test them. We get as tiny and vulnerable looking as possible and see if they show any signs of strutting or sidestepping at us. Even a tiny bit... and they are out.

Then, while tiny and vulnerable looking we do a quick movement towards one of the females. If they respond by running off, we don't want them, if they respond by looking like they are even thinging of attacking, we eat them, if they move between us and the hen, but with NO signs of aggression towards us (so clucking and pushing the hens to run away from the scary thing I would never attack), then they get to breed.

It works great, my flock is excellent.

I apply this same principle to my drakes. And though they are as sweet and respectful of us as can be, I had one fight off a bald eagle and live to tell the tale, and a different one killed a weasel that dared to enter his coop.

So... I am not picking the wuss birds... they are just smart enough to know, even when the human is being tiny, that you never attack humans, but you do protect your flock from the other stuff.
Only roosters- that’s interesting, so it’s having to compete for hens that makes them fight. I’m learning...

Yes, very true.... but also personality.

I have a great head roo. As long as I don't give him too many young cockerels at once, he keeps them all in line.

Great personality is just.... great.

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