What did Santa Bring you?!

A new camera, now I can post pictures on this site.
And a new cell phone
I got a laptop
!!!!!!!!! some movies, PJs, and the best headphones ever, they are like bass Sony headphones they sound so AMAZING, crystal clear sound! my secret santa stuff(Rada Cutlery mixes and a pearing knife) from GPN
Lots of goodies from my parents, sisters and children including a new frying pan and measuring cups. Best of all, it was a Brighton Christmas with my DBF! He got me a new Brighton purse, necklace, and hair clip

I'm so glad you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Coyote...your fatboy looks JUST like MY fat boy cat that i used to have. (he passed away a few years ago..) but we called him fatboy too! (he was like 25 lbs..
) And he looked just like your guy! SO weird! I'll have to try to find some pics of him to show you... actually his real name was Tanner..but we always just called him fatboy... I miss him..
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Chickens! Not for me, though - for a needy family in Central America through heifer.org. DH gave me the same gift last year, bless him. Money is even tighter this year, but there are always people who have less than we do.
I got lots of CDs, good ones; an immersion blender and a handheld GPS for geocaching with my guys. I cleaned up. The best gifts were the boyos faces, especially the older one who got the Ipod Touch that he wasn't expecting. He's said "thank you Santa" to mom and dad many times today.

My sister also armed my children, so it has been a day of guns (not real ones). The younger kid got a Nerf machine gun and the older one got an air soft rifle. I've come out of the bathroom several times today, only to be met with a nerf ambush. The thing shots 3 rounds a second!

I forgot to add that I got the BYC Cookbook!!!!!!
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I got a really cool wrought iron rooster paper towel holder holder, a new robe (much needed), knitting supplies, some comfy shoes (cause I'm a teacher and need them), a paper carrot from my son
, a new crock pot, a bunch of clothes from my mom, and A CHICKEN TROLLBEAD!!!

What people receive tells a lot about someone...don't you think? Just something I observed...

Merry Christ...mas!!
What did santa bring me. Well, Tuesday I looked over the snowblower, filled up the gas can, and planned for a LONG week at home. Wed morning everything was fine in the morning but by afternoon we had to figure out a way to get Becky's oldest home. The catch, he is bringing his girlfriend along... He is 20, acts 13, soooooo this is going to be a long snow storm. Alright, we get him home. By now I am ready to have a few with my friends so Becky and I go to the local water hole and have a couple. Pick up a couple cases because it is going to be a long week/weekend. The ride home was fine except it is starting to snow. (I only had a couple) Expecting up to 20" of snow. I have the laptop and tether cord. I am set. Wake up on Thursday to about 6" to 8" of snow to blow. I live on 3 acres and own a 24", 5 h.p. walk behind blower (can you say junk?) so it took me a couple hours. By the time I am done I am ready to read up on next years breed in-devours. I spend the next 12 hours listening to the kids (now 5 of them) having what my wife calls "a great time" . I'm surfing the net :). I need some aspirin. The over night is windy but it's warm, so the snow isn't blowing much. Wake up today to a 4' drift out side the door but only about an additional 8" everywhere else. I start blowing snow late morning today and wouldn't you know, it's warming up as I do this. It's wet so it just pooo's out the shoot (did I just say that?). I can't get my yard done. Oh well. It's Christmas. I'm healthy, our family is here. We're all snowed in.... but we're together.
I got nothing but that doesn't mean I'll come out empty handed I love revenge boxing day shopping;)

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