What did you do in the garden today?

My rooster, Darl, died sometime last night. I found him on the floor of the coop. His comb was sort of purple and his head was at a weird angle. So maybe he had a heart attack...? Or fell and broke his neck?

Yeah, this was my butthead roo. I'm sorry and not-sorry at the same time. He had a good two years, though. I buried him in the garden.
Butthead or not, that’s a bummer. Sorry Sally
Good morning gardeners. I’ve watered and been to the park with the dogs. We had to leave early, there was a park ranger there and while we didn’t get a ticket we were told the dogs had to be leashed. The guy was nice enough to tell us about a different park that isn’t quite so busy even on weekends. We’ll check it out tomorrow. I have more watering to do and we’re headed to TSC for feed and straw. Might stop at HD for those bags of bark mulch too, then haircuts and laundry/housework. Hubs bought tickets for Alan Parsons tonight too, I’m looking forward to a night out! Have a great day all.
snow showers coming tuesday, and 80 coming Friday. Seriously hard to deal with.
Reverse engineered an 1880s slat bonnet I have,without taking the original apart., and improved on a couple bits of it. I LOVE IT.
Now I'll make it in a few colors.
Heading out to water the hoop house. Made it down to 27 last night I forgot to cover things. YIKES.
Need to sprout some more peas.
Need to transplant tomato starts from mass flat to cells or cups.
Almost time to start hauling things out to the greenhouse for the day, and in for the night. BLEH. I MIGHT wait until the utility golf cart gets here for that.
Found blackberries at Home Depot yesterday.
I need 9 bags more of mulch.
OK out to get work done.
First chore...taking care of puppy ashes, ugly cried all the way home from the vet yesterday. :::crying:::: then plant therapy.
We like to roast the purple and rose potatoes or chop them into cube and make hashbrowns for breakfast. Multi-color hashbrowns or roasted potatoes were fun for the kids and any guests always find them interesting. They were tasty too. I never tried mashing these varieties because they are smaller and I don't like peeling small potatoes as it tends to hurt my hands.
That's the way I feel about the neon purple sweet potatoes.
Good afternoon gardeners. It must be something in the air. One of my sweet young Columbian Wyandotte pullets passed away yesterday. This was Marshmallow. I got in touch with my local animal control officer just in case they wanted to check for the avian flu. She told me not to worry as there were no confirmed cases in our area. DD came over and helped me bury her this morning. I got the lavender pots moved to the front of the chicken yard yesterday. I picked up two planters at TSC yesterday to plant the flowers I picked up a few days ago. I’ll be planting them up after lunch and putting them in front of the chicken yard. I’m hoping to get a row of kale and carrots planted today as well. Last night a warm front came through and produced a wicked wind storm. I kept waking up to the roaring winds and small bits of branches hitting the windows and siding. I think I’ll turn in early tonight.

R.I.P. Sweet girl.
That's right drivers on main road, just a woman planting daffodils, bawling her eyes out, keep driving, keep driving.
Pass the chocolate someone.

On the lighter side, I did NOT kill everything in the hoop house. Everything has been fed and watered out there. I want to sprout some more peas this weekend and then plant those in the holes where the peas didn't make it. That way I'm planting only viable seeds.

Spring onions are STILL not up. Grrrrr.
Blackberry will live in the hoop house for a week or so to get used to the cold nights before I kick it out into the garden.

Have a great day all.
Good afternoon gardeners. It must be something in the air. One of my sweet young Columbian Wyandotte pullets passed away yesterday. This was Marshmallow. I got in touch with my local animal control officer just in case they wanted to check for the avian flu. She told me not to worry as there were no confirmed cases in our area. DD came over and helped me bury her this morning. I got the lavender pots moved to the front of the chicken yard yesterday. I picked up two planters at TSC yesterday to plant the flowers I picked up a few days ago. I’ll be planting them up after lunch and putting them in front of the chicken yard. I’m hoping to get a row of kale and carrots planted today as well. Last night a warm front came through and produced a wicked wind storm. I kept waking up to the roaring winds and small bits of branches hitting the windows and siding. I think I’ll turn in early tonight.

R.I.P. Sweet girl.
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Awe, I’m sorry Sarah. She was a beautiful girl.

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