What did you do in the garden today?

you talk about snow and my pear tree blossomed.
Oh I know !! my apple tree is doing the same thing, im like WTF is WRONG with you!! it's going to be frozen in a month you dummy !!
But in the long run, I think it's better it get silly now rather than late march, be full of new blooms and have a hard frost hit.

I have an aerogarden that I love.

Never heard of that. I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

For fast greens, sprouts work well for me.

I used to grow fresh sprouts for salads, years ago. I think I still have the trays around here somewhere. Maybe that's one small thing I can do to grow some fresh greens to eat. Thanks.
Hello, I made my own potting soil today with Kellogg brand Garden Soil from Lowes. It was the cheapest at $10.50 for 3 cu feet. I mixed it with 40% peat moss and fertilizer. The Garden soil look like coarse compost, so I didn't add any compost to my mix. I planted one celebrity tomato in two 15 gallon grow bags and I am following this video..............The best time for me to plant tomatoes in my tropical area zone is September to May.
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I usually grow lettuce indoors in a decorative glazed terra cotta bird bath with a hole drilled in the bottom. I also have an aerogarden but only started herbs in it last year. They grew well. I have nothing going this year.

i will have to try making peanut butter. We eat natural, no sugar anyway but buy it in bulk so I’ll have to see if its worth it, peanuts aren’t cheap around here!

Dang cold out there.
I usually grow lettuce indoors in a decorative glazed terra cotta bird bath with a hole drilled in the bottom. I also have an aerogarden but only started herbs in it last year. They grew well. I have nothing going this year.
I also have 12 one gallon grow bags in a 3ft x 4ft cement tub above my 600 gallon tilapia tank. I use it like a nutrient flow system with a thin film of constant water flow on the bottom of the bags. The potting mix in my grow bags has fertilizer and holds water, so I only run the pond water through it an hour a day. I am growing some red lettuce and Heirloom French lettuce (Merveille de Quatre Saisons) in two separate tanks. The return drain in my cement tubs is almost flush to the bottom, so the grow bags are not always sitting in water and the water is absorb from the bottom up, so most of the fertilizer stays in the bag.
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right now i got about half a dozen small lettuce patches floating around in my tilapia pond until I get it all set up properly with a PROPER grow out area. with that said i really should start probably harvesting them daily / semi daily whatever i am supposed to bedoing with it.

These are short little poofty lettussussesssss that grow in the little 2x2 pots that float in an aqua garden, with that I wonder if i can get romaine to grow in there w/o tipping over. Id rather grow stuff that has some actual nutritional value

what do you call plural lettuce? lettusus? letti? what about small ones? letisha's or just little lettuce's say that 3 times fast! without any lettle lilly weeds getting in there !!!

I used to grow fresh sprouts for salads, years ago. I think I still have the trays around here somewhere. Maybe that's one small thing I can do to grow some fresh greens to eat. Thanks.
I grow mine in quart canning jars. I bought the strainer tops, but you can just cover them with something like cheesecloth instead. Or, drill a bunch of small drainage holes in a canning lid.
what do you call plural lettuce? lettusus? letti? what about small ones?
Lettuce: Because it ends with e, (unlike "radius," for example), the plural is lettuces. For small ones, "lettucette" would be the proper choice.

Nah, I just made that all up cuz I've had a delicious cup of Paco's Bad Bird Blend French press coffee and am feeling awake and silly.
:lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau
oh that one will wake you that's for sure. Getting ready to roast a whole bunch more today. I got 9 new coffee's in I need to roast and cup over the coming week. Won't be doing TOO much sleep. Funny thing is, when I roast, a little smoke invariably gets in the house, so paco gets a buzz too. He's already a spaz, get him wound up. UGH. Like when my grand niece came to visit, her and paco were an instant team, it's like honey PLEASE don't keep giving paco candy treats, he'll be chewing holes in the concrete here if.. oh never mind, it's already WAY too late for that :D

Well, off to the garage to fire up the roaster!


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