What did you do in the garden today?

Ok. I just took a very soggy walk around the garden after feeding the chickens. A testament to burying your tomato plants on their side and deep. I see perky green tomato leaves emerging from 3 to 4 San Marzano piles of dead leaves. Woo hoo. And oops! I will apparently need to tweak my garden plan again to accommodate all the new tomato starts I just bought. Not complaining. I didn’t have my phone with me so I couldn’t take a picture. Perhaps I won’t be growing flowers in the containers in the front yard after all. Yay!
Lol! @Sueby. I pulled all the raw chicken bits from the kitchen freezer and making broth now. I have a large portion of a cooked chicken that I’ll throw in later with some vegetables for a nice chicken soup. Like minded people…..,
I cooked some chicken thighs yesterday in a saucepan on the stove. Ate a couple and put the cooled pan in the fridge. A little while ago I scraped off the chicken fat (saved it for frying eggs), took out the remaining thighs and added some rice and water to the congealed broth. Once it started simmering I layed a couple of the thighs on top of the rice. Should be done in another 20 minutes. Chicken and Rice today!

I'll go out to the garden and get a good handful of fresh parsley to top it with when it's time to eat.
Drug my carcass out of bed at four and went to get an office cleaning done before stopping by Lowe's for more supplies.

Came home; created another failure of a door latch on my chicken run. 😂 😭

Took a can of Raid to my wild plum tree. I don't know what's been attacking it since it leafed out, but I was determined to put an end to it. I completely sprayed the tar out of it and let it sit for a minute, then I hosed it off. Seemed to perk up almost immediately.

Laid out where all my blueberry bushes are going to go and managed to get 4 of them into the ground before the tiller couldn't take it. I had to keep taking breaks so the tiller could rest, but the fourth one was all it could handle.

Just about then it started to rain. My ground is really hard and rain would help with digging it up, but we are only supposed to get a quarter inch throughout the evening. Not enough to make much of a difference. So I stood in the rain with my hose on full blast for about an hour. Full blast is about a one-inch drop of about a half-inch stream, so it took a long time.

On the plus side, I was cool while working in the rain. 😎
I hope I can get in 3 more tomorrow before work. If I can get in a few a day, I'll have them done this week. But it's water>broadfork>amend>water>bash clods with shovel>water>pray tiller keeps going. Yay for systems! 😁

Time to do some writing.
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Why do you use cages at all for bush type tomatoes? Just let them do whatever they want and harvest at the end of the season.

I use tomato cages because my father used tomato cages. However, it seems to me that the plants get really heavy at the end of the season and would not support the branches full of tomatoes if not supported. Also, helps keep them from falling over in a heavy wind. I could be wrong, but that's why we have always used tomato cages for bush type tomatos.

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