What did you do in the garden today?

True! Instructions say no straw for 24 hours. I told her she’s restricted until Tuesday (shhh…). Regular painkillers are working pretty well. And she has shockingly no noticeable swelling so far!!! She had all 4 removed and 3 were impacted, but the roots weren’t so long as to be problematic. Maybe the pineapple juice really helped with the swelling. She’s supposed to drink it for several more days.
Wow, that's awesome, no swelling! Pineapple juice...just read about it, of course, the bromelain!
"Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain, which triggers your body's ability to fight pain and reduce swelling. It's used as a treatment for inflammation and sports injuries and may be effective in reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis"
I will be getting some pineapple Today! 😃
Rain was forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, so I made myself go outside and I'm glad I did.

I weeded the carrots that sprouted, and then planted more where the older seeds didn't sprout (raised bed #2).
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I mowed around the coop, shed and the gardens, gave the clippings to the flock, which made them happy.

I added additional clippings to a new raised bed (#5), then added compost and partially rotted compost to this year's tomato bed (#3).
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And I moved soil into new raised bed #4, from the little raised beds that failed, they were too shallow. And the fire ants used them as condos...
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I really like your raised beds. I'd like to try a few here. What type of wood do you use? A friend of mine used old pallet wood but rats gnawed it & kinda made it all collapse. I've got the fire ants that tunnel here, spinosad bait manages the numbers, and I've set up the Jiffy corn mix & baking soda baits to address rodents, but both of those little jerks are always going to be around. We have a lot of rabbits, groundhogs & deer here. Do you cover them with deer netting?
Rain & wind all night here...Not much sleep & bones ache. The moat around the barn is back. Rain should stop around 4pmish. We get more later in the week, though. Oh well, still better than a heavy snow. There's a lot more wind than what they're saying...always is, here by the ocean. The flock will just hunker down & stay dry inside the coop for the most part. They do enjoy a good pecking block or suspended cabbage indoors. For me...it'll be a good stew making & baking day. Got a craving for some chocolate chip cookies. DH likes them more chewy than crunchy. I love them still warm from the oven. 😋
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Seriously, you shouldn't spit after brushing your teeth when you've had a tooth extraction.
I’ll remind her! I thought she told me she had brushed her teeth…but turns out she had tuned me out (teenagers excel here), and said “wait…what?” When she realized my surprised tone was for some reason. Oh, actually no she did not brush her teeth yet, so I told her to wait until today. But she’s instructed to start with the warm salt water rinses today and continue for 2 weeks. I’ll remind her to not enthusiastically spit it out.

Walked around and looked at my peach leaf curl situation.... I didn't spray anything at all for dormant sprays..... I regret.
We also have PLC. Apparently, the best thing is to spray Copper fungicide mixed with dormant oil late fall, and early spring before there is any change in the growth or tips. I read the copper instructions and you can spray quite a bit during the season too. I’ve sprayed 2x, but rain and cold has hampered any more spraying. I plan to spray again. We will see if the copper applications help.

If you have inflammatory issues like arthritic joints, fibromyalgia, or sinusitis avoid the nightshade family. I can occasionally eat small portions of white potatoes, but tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant I cannot tolerate :hit
It depends on the person. Not everyone has issues with nightshades or any particular family of plants. Elimination diets help the individual figure out their own triggers because they are not the same for everyone.

Also, I haven’t found any evidence that sweet potatoes are anti inflammatory. Good for you? Absolutely. I would like a source on the anti inflammatory part if you have one.
Good morning gardeners. It’s just a few minutes after 0500 and I’ve been up for a while. Watered the grass already, the dogs are still in bed so no barking and chasing the hose today :gig Crazy fools. Anyway, it looks like the wild birds have been in the garden and stole some of the carrot seedlings. Rotten little :rantOther than that everything is getting green and lol looking happy. Super pleased that the white sage survived its many transplants and is growing quite well now. Even the weeds in the ground around it take on the smell so it’s my favorite place to weed. The grass is still a bit patchy, I’m going to fertilize after Igor gives it a trim today. That’s about it, just watering and watching stuff come alive. Oh, the teenager gets to run the shredder this weekend, he likes that. It’s satisfying he says :gigHave a great day all

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