What did you do in the garden today?

Sprayed my roses with Bordeaux mix tonight... And the brassicas and baby lettuce got a good dose of spinosad since something has been chewing them up.

I also went ahead and seeded some basil, cilantro, parsley, and comfrey.

Probably get my pumpkins, watermelon, melons, and peppers started tomorrow. I probably should have done them a couple of weeks ago but I've been so busy lately with work.

And I really gotta figure out where to put my dahlias and canna lilies. I have no frigging clue... I have some big mineral tubs but I can probably only get 2 or 3 dahlias per tub. Wondering if I should just build another raised bed instead...
You probably know this... Don't let her drink through a straw.

My mom said when my dad had his out, he ignored this advice and got a "dry socket," ie, pulled the clot out. The open wound STUNK and healed very slowly.
True! Instructions say no straw for 24 hours. I told her she’s restricted until Tuesday (shhh…). Regular painkillers are working pretty well. And she has shockingly no noticeable swelling so far!!! She had all 4 removed and 3 were impacted, but the roots weren’t so long as to be problematic. Maybe the pineapple juice really helped with the swelling. She’s supposed to drink it for several more days.
True! Instructions say no straw for 24 hours. I told her she’s restricted until Tuesday (shhh…). Regular painkillers are working pretty well. And she has shockingly no noticeable swelling so far!!! She had all 4 removed and 3 were impacted, but the roots weren’t so long as to be problematic. Maybe the pineapple juice really helped with the swelling. She’s supposed to drink it for several more days.
And no spitting!

Seriously, you shouldn't spit after brushing your teeth when you've had a tooth extraction.
Do bell peppers upset anyone's stomach here? I can only eat them well sautéed. Other peppers do not give me indigestion...weird right? The orange, yellow & red bells do not bother tummy as bad but those green ones, whoa momma, they actually give me like an acid refux reaction.
I burp them all day after eating them but not other colored ones too.
I got 4 hours of sleep last night so I didn't do much gardening. Got one more side of the trim done on my chicken shed.

Walked around and looked at my peach leaf curl situation.... I didn't spray anything at all for dormant sprays..... I regret. And it's going to rain tonight through the weekend and next week. 🤷‍♀️

It's so angry. Oh well. Just gotta roll with it.

All the trees are super pretty and my new chickens are adorable.


Only two trees are infected super bad this year for leaf curl. Hopefully a heavy prune this winter will help. I pruned this one back really hard two years ago for leaf curl and it's recovered well!

Then I found a lizard hiding in my pluot!
Sprayed my roses with Bordeaux mix tonight... And the brassicas and baby lettuce got a good dose of spinosad since something has been chewing them up.

I also went ahead and seeded some basil, cilantro, parsley, and comfrey.

Probably get my pumpkins, watermelon, melons, and peppers started tomorrow. I probably should have done them a couple of weeks ago but I've been so busy lately with work.

And I really gotta figure out where to put my dahlias and canna lilies. I have no frigging clue... I have some big mineral tubs but I can probably only get 2 or 3 dahlias per tub. Wondering if I should just build another raised bed instead...
I feel you with the flower placement. I have no idea where to put my canna lilies either. 🤣 I want to see them, and not have them die back early due to poor watering habits outside of my food gardens.
I picked 1 broccoli, 1 cauliflower, 1 leek and a bunch of chards, kale and spinach. made a nice soup with roo's breast and at the end added milk cream.

forgot to say I added minced veggie mix that I keep in jars: onion, garlic, ginger, carrots, celery (leaves and root), parsley and whatever I have on hand.

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