What did you do in the garden today?

Here are our cut seed potatoes. We have red, white and yellow ones. Bought the red and yellow from TSC a few weeks ago. Bought the white at a feed store. Notice the ones on the far left (they are the yellow ones) have some open areas inside. So far what I can gather is that some potatoes do this (maybe too much water during growth phase?). They were not rotting.

tempting to plant today, but might wait until after the 48 hours of rain moves through.


@BReeder!, you try for one or more eyes per piece. If the seed potato is small, justuse the whole potato. small like golfball size. My seed potatoes were pretty large, and could have been cut into 3rds or 4ths, but with the distribution of eyes, I only cut them in half.
Good morning gardeners and welcome newcomers. Yesterday was slow to warm up so the snow didn't melt off the garden beds until very late. Today I will be able to get in there and finish the hoop garden bed. I was able to roll my fig tree out of the garage. I will give it some fertilizer today and spray the peach tree at the same time. I did transfer most of my seedlings into larger pots. And I guess I'm having a similar experience with Stark Brothers. My Lingonberry plants arrived yesterday. They aren't supposed to be planted outside until after the last frost. So I put them in a pot with dirt and they are hanging out with the seedlings for now. I noticed the wild onions are coming up from behind one of my compost piles. As for my surprise potatoes, they will have to go into two large containers. Hopefully they will do OK. I am hoping the weather stays dry for a day or two so I can get back to hauling dirt to the new garden bed. Everything is super soggy and my sump pump is still running every so often so I know things are still really wet. I finally caved and ordered a small, but better incubator yesterday. The one I bought last year (before I had a clue) is very primitive and not likely to work well. This one turns automatically and has a hygrometer. It only holds 18 eggs which is fine with me. I don't plan on doing more than 8 eggs at a time anyway. Love all the pictures. I hope the picture of my potatoes was helpful @BReeder! These are not officially seed potatoes, these were the potatoes I bought last month and they apparently heard the call of Spring! LOL! Have a great day every and stay healthy.
Does anybody cut their seed potatoes for more plants? What are the detail of these process? Pieces need to be a minimum size? How many eyes should be left in each piece? Can I cut and let them scab and rest for a several days while peeling the planting site?
Pretty sure I mentioned asked this before, but now that it's becoming relevant I forget the responses.
You can have more than one "eye" per piece you cut up, depending if they are small. And it does not matter how big your pieces are just make sure they have enough white "meat" of the potato to draw nourishment from. Once you do a couple thousand you will get the hang of it ;). I've cut more seed potatoes in my life than i care to mention lol. If you want to post a pic of what you cut we can take a look at it and let you know.
Does anybody cut their seed potatoes for more plants? What are the detail of these process? Pieces need to be a minimum size? How many eyes should be left in each piece? Can I cut and let them scab and rest for a several days while peeling the planting site?
Pretty sure I mentioned asked this before, but now that it's becoming relevant I forget the responses.
Most definitely you can cut your seed potatoes to make more eyes :). Just make sure you have an eye for each piece you cut. The cut doesnt have to be square, it can be triangle, odd angle, doesnt matter, as long as it has some white on the potato and an eye. You can get really creative cutting out for eyes lol. When I was growing up, my grandparents were really conservative farmers and we wasted nothing. We cut sacks of seed potatoes and l got scolded if there was more than one eye on the seed piece.

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