What did you do in the garden today?

Only watering and a small harvest of a few tomatoes, 1 papaya and 3 eggs from 7 young layers :rolleyes:. Walked the beach with and for DH and Cisco. Then picked up a bag of fruit and veggies from the farmers this afternoon, watched some horse training Utube, tended chickens and cleaned small coop. No work on brooder or grow out pen yet but have a materials list in my head. All in all- a good day and Cisco was pretty good for not tossing dad on his head.

Here is a little gardeners eye candy... 3 Ficus benghalensis that is- not my DH lol though I think he is cute with his retirement beard :p. We ride through this plantation property to get to the beach from our pasture, about a good block, it is magical.

OK kids. Hope your weekend is awesome.
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Morning gardeners. Got a good coating of snow, hope everyones stuff is all ok! We have a freeze warning tonight, not even just a frost, a full on freeze, ugh. Its 31 now, hopefully the snow melts quick.

No clue whats on the agenda except adding some more roost space in the big coop for when the littles move in.

Have a great day ya'll!
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I was gonna plant my tomatoes last weekend , right before I headed out to the garden I checked the 10 day forecast on the WeatherBug App . I decided to wait , glad I did , I would have lost all my plants , just breaking 34F now at 6:55 AM .

good call. I think many new (and some experienced) gardeners will be re-buying their garden plants. My neighbor already planted his tomatoes knowing the forecast, but he had enough large buckets to put over everysingle plant, so they should be ok. We are using tarps and containers, tarps bring propped up above the plants. We also used canvas drop cloths over the onions, hopefully they will be ok! Everything else will stay indoors at night for another week Bc the soil will still be very cold!
Good morning gardeners. Good golly this is so weird. The trees are leafing out, the grass is green and the flowers are blooming and it's snowing! I'm guessing you are a bit further west than me @Sueby. It didn't get below 32F here last night and expected to be around 33F overnight tonight. I'm likely holding off until Wednesday to plant. What I have in the ground right now can handle a chill. My radishes are doing well as is the endive. The lettuce seems to be struggling and I'm disappointed with the cabbage. I let the rooster back with his girls for the weekend. His little bachelor pad doesn't offer a lot of protection from the wind so I let him loose. Of course, I looked out the window and saw him and 4 of the ladies all roosting on the bachelor pad roosting bar. He'll be nice for a day or two then back to his little bubble. The three babies are doing well so far. I am so hoping I can get some more yardwork done tomorrow. I was happy to see that TSC is still offering curbside pick-up. I need shavings/flakes for the big coop. Since they carry the mulch that I need I can get that as well. I have some spots in my front yard that are less green than the other. I don't want to use chemicals so I was thinking of using some of the worm castings to add a little nitrogen to it. Has anyone tried this before? I also need to find the weed remover tool that I can use standing up. I have groups of weeds scattered about the front as well. I'm trying to avoid Amazon for now so I'm hoping I can find what I need elsewhere. So now the wind is kicking up wicked bad so I'll say good day for now.
I am rechecking the calendar because it sure looks like January out there! Snowstorm, subzero temps. :sick The gardens are ready and waiting but my little plants are all hiding out in the house. I don't blame them. I did plant some peas outside and some of their little heads were starting to pop out so I covered them up. I hope they will be alright.

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