What did you do in the garden today?

My chickens ate the tops off of all my onions........................ :th

and the small rooster from one of my neighbors came back. However, this time my hens were screaming and I saw him jumping on them and my rooster can't catch him, he is too fast. What an annoying little guy,. I thought a cat or dog was trying to eat them.
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Seeded some nasturtiums today and did a little weeding. Didn't get to do a lot because DD has her senior prom tomorrow and wanted me to take her out for some last minute preparations....

Hoping to get the irrigation system in tomorrow though... So excited about it! However, we've got high weirdness going on. My pond is already starting to get low despite all the rain we've had. I checked the US Drought Monitor today. It shows the area as "Exceptionally wet" and at the same time shows Stream flow as being low. Very weird...
Nothing in the garden yet but remembered i wanted to feed my tomato seedlings, after i watered them. Next time.
i dont think my jasmine survived the winter even though it was inside. It did get hit by a frost first though. The main stem broke off when it was bumped the other day. Oh well, I'll just use the pot for berries instead. Can blackberries or black raspberries stay out during winter if they're in a pot?
The forecast of 4 nights of lows in the low 30s is now 6 nights. The 28 degree night got bumped up to 30, and the last one is 37. I don't think that's an improvement... :fl :fl

I looked online at MSU's (Michigan State University) information on frost damage for blueberries, cherries, and apples. My plants *should* be ok as long as they don't progress much farther than they are now. I'm hoping the 40s for the next 3 days will slow them down.
The local farm stand/bakery opens May 1st. They also sell starts. This year, I think I'm going to buy flowers to plant for my bees. I have bee balm and hyssop starting up in the green house. Hoping they do well.

I did see two borage seedlings while I was pulling weeds today. I marked them with sticks so I wouldn't accidentally set the weed bucket on them.

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