What did you do in the garden today?

Oh I had all the bugs, borers those that look like stink bugs and when I did have fruit, it would rot! It was a combination of problems from bugs to soil problems. Over the last 3 years I’ve killed more bugs than the Orcan man it felt like! Pulling up some so infested and just burning them!
I must have put enough dent in their numbers to make it this year! In addition to chicken poo 💕
Do you have room for vining squash? Tromboncino is a vining C. Moschetta group used as summer squash. You could also try a Parthenocarpic variety that can set seedless fruit. Caged with screen wire to keep bugs out. That is if squash Boers are your problem.
I'm growing tromboncino for the first time this year.

Just reseeded everything. :he Now to keep the stupid squirrels out.

I'm a bit disappointed that none of my sweet success cukes came up. A whole packet worth, & that wasn't squirrels, they just failed. So I reseeded with soyo long because that's what I had.
I'm growing tromboncino for the first time this year.
I grew that last year, never even got one fruit. I was very disappointed.

Along with zucchini and the usual yellow straightneck squash I'm trying a different variety this year, Zapallito del Tronco.

Blossom from Zapallito del Tronco:


HUGE leaves!

My Baker Creek squash choices, all which grew:

And also the leftover Lemon squash seeds from Baker Creek germinated nicely, so I have FIVE varieties growing.


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I had that happen last year and did some of both. I thinned out some of the easier to harvest ones and left the rest be. A few of them made it through the winter, we’ll see what happens. IIRC onions are biennials, so they might go to seed…but I’ve not had much luck with onions there before so I’m not holding my breath for anything. I think they need more sun than they’re getting in that spot to bulk up properly.
Yeah, I think our wonky weather is to blame. Essentially these are all bulbs that I planted in this tub last year because they sprouted in my cabinet and I'm loathe to throw anything out. 😂 So basically they are either store bought onions or ones that were too small last year. As you can see, those ones whose tops have NOT died have bolted.

Just trying to decide what to do with them all...


Interestingly enough, I have bunching green onions in a different bed that were also ones I bought from the store. They were starting to go bad in the fridge so I planted them. They are going on 3 years old now and have flowered every single year. I thought this was weird because I thought biennials only lived 2 years? I've let them go to seed hoping they'd sprout new green onions. I haven't seen any NEW sprouts but the original ones are enormously large (think bulb onion size) and still green, healthy, and bolting again... 🙄
Cut grass into dusk & I had to grab a coat & gloves. 49 degrees near end of May...really?

Anyway...thought I'd share a bit of garden humor. Can you just imagine enjoying your peaceful morning coffee, gazing out at the garden, and something is looking back at ya?

These may be cute & make ya smile.
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But these are downright creepy! 🤣

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My boy dog gets Credelio. That’s more pricey than Simparica. I’m going to try to transition him to the Seresto collar. He’s not fond of collars but I’m hoping I can get him to tolerate the collar.
I've been terrible about treating my dogs consistently. Mostly because my vet won't approve the pharmacy request from Chewy without seeing the dogs for a check-up. They charge astronomical rates for annual vaccines ($200 - $300 for both dogs). I can go to the Spay/Neuter Clinic down the road and get full annual vaccines and check-up for $65/dog. However, the Clinic doesn't write or approve scripts for flea/tick/heartworm meds. You have to buy them directly from the Clinic and they use a brand I don't like.

Anyway, my dogs are on Revolution currently. I've used it for years and never had a problem with it. I like that it treats fleas, ticks, mites, mange, and heartworms all in one dose.
I grew that last year, never even got one fruit. I was very disappointed.

Along with zucchini and the usual yellow straightneck squash I'm trying a different variety this year, Zapallito del Tronco.

Blossom from Zapallito del Tronco:
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HUGE leaves!

My Baker Creek squash choices, all which grew:
View attachment 3838096

And also the leftover Lemon squash seeds from Baker Creek germinated nicely, so I have FIVE varieties growing.
Beautiful. My leaves are 2x size of hands too
We sprayed the trees last night with the BT spray to get ahead of the gypsy/spongy moth caterpillars. I doused the little trees, and got as much of the big trees as I could.

A few days ago, I found this beautiful blossom on one of our old apple trees:
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All my seedlings are officially living outside, and my next step in gardening them off is getting them used to the mid-day sun.
I'm still pretty far behind on everything (because we surprised ourselves with a puppy in February), but I'm slowly catching up. Today, I spent a few hours weed whacking, especially in the garden. Then, I had to weed my strawberry and asparagus bed and my strawberry and rhubarb bed. What? There are strawberry plants and asparagus plants in there, and not just grass!
I accidentally weedwhacked these two :barnie:
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And I can never find these when I am looking for them (unless I've accidentally found one and look around it for more):
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The trail cam in the meadow picked up a bobcat the other night, which is pretty amazing!!

Is anyone able to help me identify these 2 insects?:
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That's all of the updates I can think of for now, and I am falling asleep as I type. Goodnight!
Edited: to fix a tired eyes typo!
Love the Morels! We also found some enormous ones this year....

As for the insects, the caterpillar is an Eastern tent caterpillar. I hate those darn things and kill every one I find. They are voracious feeders and reproduce by the thousands. Chickens and birds won't eat them.

The other is a March Fly. They are very good for breaking down compost and decomposing organic matter...

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