What did you do in the garden today?

This morning I tied up the tomatoes and found a small one starting to color. What a surprise but most things seem to be a little early this year. I also picked more blueberries.

In the greenhouse my petunias are starting to bloom.

It got warm today. I'm pooped.
Yep. I'm registered and lost 1/2 my orchard at the beginning to asshole neighbor spraying 2-4 D on a windy day.

I've had another spraying weed and feed on a windy day about choke me out of my own home.

Last pre-ordered tomato plants have gone home with the owner last night.
The remaining ones in the greenhouse are mine, with spares for people that might get hailed out.

Tons of chores today and an online hs graduation this morning.
That neighbor would be paying for my lost crop... There's consequences for being irresponsible like that.

The city sprayed Round-up along the curb and the drift nearly killed my Catawbas. Lost the crop that year entirely but they did bounce back and produce the following year. Now I have signs up indicating this area is an organic garden and spraying is not allowed. If they do it a 2nd time, they are toast...
Lot next door has 3 gigantic Mimosas. The Hummingbirds like the fragrant flowers but those seeds are a real PITA. Yes, those little things spring up Everywhere. The neighbor let one grow up, so now I'm flanked on both sides. You wouldn't believe how many buckets of those seeds I pick up every year! No wonder my sacroiliac hurts! 😆
I love Mimosa trees, even if they are invasive. I have 2 on my property although both are babies and haven't flowered yet. I collected seed pods from the mimosas on the wooded lot across the street. 😊
I wanted to go kayaking on the Mulberry River for my birthday. It's 2 hrs from our house so we decided to rent a cabin tonight near the area. I reserved it on the VRBO app. Well this morning we had to run to Kubota dealer because they forgot a part that we need to hook up the bush cutter. Stopped at the store to pick up supplies for our trip and I opened the VRBO app to confirm that the cabin had a grill on site.... Only to discover the owner canceled our reservation. 🤬🤬 Claimed they made an error on the calendar synch and that the cabin was no longer available. So now we can't get anything else because it's too late. Not pleased at all... Guess we will just drive the 2 hrs in the morning to the river.

Meanwhile I decided to tackle tearing out and rebuilding the quarantine pen inside my bachelor coop. It was put together rather hastily a few years ago and it was falling apart. I have a rooster I keep in there because he's smaller than the others and they bully him really badly. Anyway, took me a good 4 hrs. Bachelor boys got to roam the farm with the girls while I worked so they were very happy. I got sunburned... So hot outside today. Wishing I had a pool... 🥵
That neighbor would be paying for my lost crop... There's consequences for being irresponsible like that.

The city sprayed Round-up along the curb and the drift nearly killed my Catawbas. Lost the crop that year entirely but they did bounce back and produce the following year. Now I have signs up indicating this area is an organic garden and spraying is not allowed. If they do it a 2nd time, they are toast...
Same guy who lets his dogs run wild and lets them chase calves. He's scary and I won't go near him.
I wanted to go kayaking on the Mulberry River for my birthday. It's 2 hrs from our house so we decided to rent a cabin tonight near the area. I reserved it on the VRBO app. Well this morning we had to run to Kubota dealer because they forgot a part that we need to hook up the bush cutter. Stopped at the store to pick up supplies for our trip and I opened the VRBO app to confirm that the cabin had a grill on site.... Only to discover the owner canceled our reservation. 🤬🤬 Claimed they made an error on the calendar synch and that the cabin was no longer available. So now we can't get anything else because it's too late. Not pleased at all... Guess we will just drive the 2 hrs in the morning to the river.

Meanwhile I decided to tackle tearing out and rebuilding the quarantine pen inside my bachelor coop. It was put together rather hastily a few years ago and it was falling apart. I have a rooster I keep in there because he's smaller than the others and they bully him really badly. Anyway, took me a good 4 hrs. Bachelor boys got to roam the farm with the girls while I worked so they were very happy. I got sunburned... So hot outside today. Wishing I had a pool... 🥵
tell me more about your bachelor coop. I believe I have 12 cockerels out of 24. I guess 10 couldn’t live together peacefully
tell me more about your bachelor coop. I believe I have 12 cockerels out of 24. I guess 10 couldn’t live together peacefully
It's a completely separate coop. Only about 5 ft x 6 ft inside the coop. I actually built it for Silkies but converted it to a bachelor coop when I got rid of all my Silkies. The attached run is about 10 ft x 16 ft. The end of the opposite of the run from the coop is where I have the quarantine pen. It's 10 ft x 3ft x 32" tall.

I started keeping extra roosters in there until we got around to butchering them in the fall. I never had more than 8 or 9 at a time in the Bachelor pen. I keep 6 breeding roosters in my main coop. They collectively share about 50 - 60 hens.

Currently I have 4 roosters in my bachelor pen. These are ones I hatched last year and decided not to butcher because they turned out with very nice genetics yet I don't have room for them in my main coop.

Everyone generally gets along just fine except for minor squabbles occasionally. The roosters in the main coops rarely fight. The ones in the bachelor pen started recently picking on the smallest guy. My roosters are easily 12 - 13 lbs. Big boys. The little guy is probably 8 - 10 lbs. They bloodied him up pretty good so I separated them by putting him in the quarantine pen. He still gets to hang out but the big boys can't hurt him in there.

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