What did you do in the garden today?

Beans have sprouted! 🎉

Still no sign of blooms on the domestic strawberries in my garden, even though the wild patches nearby have berries that are half-ripe. :rant

I am so jealous right now. :drool

Someday I will have my own cherry trees! :fl
Still trying to rescue one of the crepe myrtles in the back yard from the honeysuckle. Had to take a break yesterday to cut down a mimosa that had come up from out of nowhere and was flowering. NO. Bad mimosa!
(They are non-native and very invasive in my area. A previous neighbor had a HUGE one in his front yard and I will be dealing with the fallout from that thing for the rest of my life, I'm sure.)
Clearly I need to get out more, because I am now picturing a GIANT glass of champagne and orange juice sitting on the lawn.
Well that was a bust. Forgot my glasses so I couldn't see what anything was. Got some marigolds. :rant
🙁 This is what you track down helpful store employees for. I know I have definitely asked for more troublesome things than ‘can you read this to me.’ They aren’t even going to have to bust out any ladders for that!
I added a couple bushes to my run last year & blocked off the roots with rocks. Works great. Hilarious to watch the girls jump up to pick the leaves. :gig
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I usually wear old white t-shirts when working in the run. One day recently I forgot and wore a black t-shirt that had a green trees image. The hens jumped up to eat the "trees"! :gig
I just spent nearly a half hour working on clearing the soon to be summer squash patch. It almost to the point I can use the tiller. I’ve been using the garden weasel to yank the grass clumps and briars (maybe stinging nettles, not sure) out by their roots. I will definitely cover this garden with cardboard during the Fall clean up. It’s only 77F but it’s dry with only a light breeze. That spot dries out quickly. I’ll have to water it again in the morning. I may do a little more work on it then water it after for a longer time. My butternut squash and watermelon / Sugar Babies starts should be ready to plant in a couple of days. I need to get my okra going as well.
Watered the garden, and then prepped and planted the trap crop squash plants in pots. They are near, but away from the main squash. Hoping that the trap crops draw them in instead of attacking the squash I want. Last year the summer squash produced very well despite being attacked heavily by SVB, so I’m hoping I can get a good crop this year too. The squash are planted in a different area than last year.
Good morning all. Today looks like we may get showers on and off all day. I did some weeding after I fed the chickens. While I was weeding I had the sprinklers on the green beans to make sure they got a good drink after yesterday’s heat. I had planned to do some mowing and then weed whacking in the big garden. Oh well. All my recently started seeds are sprouting except one ancho chili and one jalapeño. I do have one of each already sprouting. I need to start the pumpkin plants and I may start some cucumbers.
wow u r amazing, im tired just reading all u did ! :thumbsup

I need to tie up the squash again!
Me too 🙈 but not vacationing but turning into bionic woman 🤪 got my 2. new hip
I call myself that too! Between the hardware & the electronics I have in me, thats how I feel. I hope you're feeling good. 🙂
take a picture with the phone and enlarge :old

Beans have sprouted! 🎉

Still no sign of blooms on the domestic strawberries in my garden, even though the wild patches nearby have berries that are half-ripe. :rant

I am so jealous right now. :drool

Someday I will have my own cherry trees! :fl

Clearly I need to get out more, because I am now picturing a GIANT glass of champagne and orange juice sitting on the lawn.

🙁 This is what you track down helpful store employees for. I know I have definitely asked for more troublesome things than ‘can you read this to me.’ They aren’t even going to have to bust out any ladders for that!
The place was so mobbed I couldn't get out of there fast enough!

Didn't get too much done, had some company that stayed a little longer than expected. Now a glass of wine & the hot tub. Watering the garden will wait till tmrw!

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