What did you do with your flock today?

Good job you guys! I especially like the base as that is kinda tricky to keep a post from wobbling. Looks like 4 corbels- not bad at all. ;)

Actually since the one cat is 20 lbs all muscle he could tip them over so we have broken cement blocks on them :celebrate
Yesterday I stapled the last of the reed clothe up on the bach pad to slow any hard wind or rain but still let in breeze. Looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I have not acted on making any better hops for the boys yet though I seriously dont like what I did the other day- i do have a plan in my head that should not take too much time to complete.
Today I had chicken house keeping, scrubbing and scraping, feed and water. Picked up the grass I dried and bagged most and freshened a few nests with the rest. Good stuff. Then turned stumps for bugs and caught a lizard for the shy Buff Brahma. I also busted out my screw gun and moved a roost in the mini coop that was set for littles and the big who is using it had a hard time with the hop.
AND been on kitten duty plus laundry and regular chores. Don't feel too sorry for me folks, they are still doing a lot of sleeping.
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@TropicalBabies The kittens are so cute
are you going to keep them yes Please
Oh Penny... I need two more kittens like I need another hole in my head but I tell ya, not sure how I am going to let them go. So I am thinking I need another hole right? Someone pretty special is going to have to come along for me to part with these two. I will make the commitment to get their vac and fixed at minimum.
Aren't they just the best?! Kittens and world peace I tell ya! :love
I went to put Puglsy my pup in his crate while we ate .
Moose my black lab was in my dark room tripped ass end over tea kettle my upper lip I think I bit through it and my left hand .. My right eye, cheek was cut by my glasses
just call me gracefull :he
Oh no!!! No doctors? Sounds bad :( or at minimum a big scene lol. Sorry, don't mean to laugh at you but it does sound like a mess. I hate when that sh*t happens... :hmm
Oh no!!! No doctors? Sounds bad :( or at minimum a big scene lol. Sorry, don't mean to laugh at you but it does sound like a mess. I hate when that sh*t happens... :hmm
May super glue it closed split pretty bad lots of blood oh man it did bleed so it is clean .. Funny part I had eye resection after graves took most vision but it gave black eyes one at time :weethe looks My better half took where to die for :lau
Yesterday I stapled the last of the reed clothe up on the bach pad to slow any hard wind or rain but still let in breeze. Looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I have not acted on making any better hops for the boys yet though I seriously dont like what I did the other day- i do have a plan in my head that should not take too much time to complete.
Today I had chicken house keeping, scrubbing and scraping, feed and water. Picked up the grass I dried and bagged most and freshened a few nests with the rest. Good stuff. Then turned stumps for bugs and caught a lizard for the shy Buff Brahma. I also busted out my screw gun and moved a roost in the mini coop that was set for littles and the big who is using it had a hard time with the hop.
AND been on kitten duty plus laundry and regular chores. Don't feel too sorry for me folks, they are still doing a lot of sleeping.View attachment 2601361View attachment 2601365View attachment 2601366View attachment 2601364
I didn’t think it was possible for them to get cuter, but they did. XD
I want kittens now. Both of my cats were adults when I got them.
I just noticed Beigie's ears! Oh my goodness like patinaed copper :love
She sure is a very pretty and healthy looking gal. Very Nice!
Thank you so much! I had to look up what patinaed copper was. It’s beautiful!

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