What did you do with your flock today?

I didn’t think it was possible for them to get cuter, but they did. XD
I want kittens now. Both of my cats were adults when I got them.

Thank you so much! I had to look up what patinaed copper was. It’s beautiful!
Like Beigie's ears! 😍 I love patinaed copper too!

I normally don't fall for the kitten thing like others and usually can't wait for them to grow up. A cat who is not climbing the curtains and biting my ankles and hopefully will sit and purr on my lap suits me fine. Yeah right.... mine always end up very aloof, never sit on my lap knowing I always come to them- they win :barnie.
But this time, probably because I am not busy holding down a job and supporting kids on my own, it's like stop and smell the kittens??? Or just that these are rescued from deaths door and they will be the loving grateful type? I hope I get to find out whether I keep them or find them an excellent home.
When I sell my chicks I also do vetting and follow up calls and honestly, most of the people I sell to I would have coffee with and enjoy the texts and photo exchanges.

K. Kids, gotta head to Lihue town as DH is getting his second shot!!! I am registering for my first today!!! And auntie has had her 2 so we are that much closer to normal. Feels fantastic!!!
So, just the basics for the chooks this morning.

@penny1960 how are you feeling today? I hope you take it easy and drink lots of water and are good to yourself. Today is not a day for speed, it is just Tuesday ;)
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When I bought the 9 I did not know the gal we chit chatted at least a week and half before we met..
I buy the 9 she says can we be friends ? of course we can ..
I am milk toast white she is asian :bunI judge people on actions taught that from very young .
As it should be. Some of the best, most caring, hardest working and most honest people I know are Asian... including my 1/2 Asian kids. I am hope/sure they are not judging me because of my skin color and the terrible things people of my color have done to all. Just rather embarrassing the deeds of many. Especially the last 4 /5 years I have never been so embarrassed to be... (fn) haole.
It is us who should worry about being judged. So shaping up while we can is the least we can do.
It is one of the biggest wars within the fractions there ever had been since the 60's.. There are still jim crow wanna be's :rant
The ignorance and hate are mind blowing and completely embarrassing in everyway. They are not self aware enough to be embarrassed for themselves so I will be embarrassed for them.
I have a few family members that I think are bigots', same- don't know it or will never admit it. The cause of why they don't get their way is always someone else's fault, or even "those people" never their laziness or grand expectations.
Living in Hawaii most all of my life I have experienced (reverse) prejudice in many forms and at many times. Though it stung, I have a love and understanding and put aside myself to see the whole picture. I bow down to these beautiful peoples and their kindness and patience, we have taken much from them. We will never know because we don't want to know the truth- it makes us look bad.
As a woman who worked in a "mans field"... well, men made it hell but I had to feed my kids so I put up with their cruelty. I give them little 1/4 now, I have succeeded despite all of the sabotaging and insults, they have not. It is not everybody else who needs to change as God and history are watching us all.

Oh, on my list of AWESOME people who just happen to be Asian are my wonderful x-MIL, incredible, dedicated, kind and hardworking and I can't say enough good about my ever so smart and lovely DIL and of course all of my beautiful grandbabies are the best babies ever!

K. There is my rant but I am pretty sure I am safe on this thread to speak the truth that not all want to hear.
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